Reminder that abomination has a 3x power of steve rogers and added a hulks gamma so maybe abomination could win though he lost to 2008 hulk
Abomination's skin is resistant to fire we literally saw that😂
To be honest, while Red Hulk gets heat manipulation, Abomination consentually and eagerly turned into this creature, no confusion, no lashing out or anything, but willing specimen unlike confused Red Hulk who was neither willing or eager for this, so while Red Hulk could technically be better, Abomination will perform better due to not freaking out from sudden transformation, he enjoyed it and immediately went in to have smoke with Green Hulk, while Red Hulk had seemingly freaked out, why would he otherwise transform in middle of public place?
I get that Ross has military training but when you become a hulk you can’t think very well you just want to destroy anything in your way. I think the only point a hulk can actually think straight is when they are calm and I don’t think red hulk will be calm in this fight. I mean hulks in the MCU not the comics.
Ross: A General will always outdo a soldier! Blonskey: Look at how Cap and Red Skull turned out... Both charge at each other in their gamma forms ofc as this be a unique clash of titans
Abomination was a special ops recon soldier before he became abomination . Out of Red and Green hulk Abomination is the only one with fighting skill.
Red hulk here is still in early stages. He cannot talk yet and he not using guns yet.
Blink is also a tactical fighter
At what point did he show his heat power that he has in the comics???
Given abomination was on par with or stronger than hulk pre mcu, hes def beating red hulk
Red hulk washes. A single chain gun scratched or at least made abomination hurt. Red hulk took two chain guns to the face and acted like it was just a warm shower.
First of all abomination caught a missile and forced it into his chest and it literally did nothing, second of all he beat the hell out of 2008 hulk and 2008 hulk solos red hulk, so red hulk has no chance against abomination
First of all Abomination can crush in half current proffesor hulk showed in she hulk last episode when proffesor hulk arrived the fight and though abomination started the fight Then u see that he can hold Bruce like pretty easily and didn't wanted to harm him😂 And red hulk like almost lost to fking falcon😂😂😂 Abomination at 2008 litary went toe to toe with real incredible hulk that gets stronger the angrier he gets Red hulk doesn't even have healing factor and his rage at high levels is bad for his own self because he can explode a Also in the brave new world movie we didn't saw his absorbing abilities from the comics so he is even more weaker And I'm not sure if thunderbolt Ross has 100% in mcu red hulk form unlike comics that red hulk is litary Ross no different personalities
Red Hulk was way stronger than both hulk and abomination in the comics