Learning disabilities and reading difficulties plagued my entire school career. I scored 148. I had recruiters calling me from out of state to enlist. I went in between my junior and senior year of high school. Did 14 years of glorious service and got medically discharged for ptsd/tbi/crush syndrome. Still suffer from a lot, and now have to be screened every year for cancer due to exposure to burn pits! Good times!
I was on recruiters assistance after boot camp. I had two of my former college classmates try to enlist. Neither of them could pass the ASVAB.
I barely passed high school with a 2.0 GPA and got a 65 on the ASVAB
I scored high af and them people would not stop calling me 😂 i said "ahh nah.. this job finna be bs"
Yeah, I was straight A through school but I did not do good on the ASVAB. I didn’t take it seriously cause it wasn’t my thing. But I know I did not like taking that test.
Not sure if the AF has changed but back in the 70s a high ASVAB didn't help at all. I scored 90 and wanted an electronics job they talked me into going 'Open General'. Became an SP got out after 4, went to college and became an electrical engineer - sometimes things work out
I had these twins in my boot camp both scored a 99 on asvab but were both homeschooled but could not do most basic shit like listen to commands while being yelled at they did not know how to alternate arms while marching they could not run or push ups or pull ups they failed rifle range they could not do anything but they got the job of linguist and intel
has this happen to you? most of the kids in school now just cheat to get their grades up lol
Got a 91 on my asvab
I failed the asvab 5 time before I finnaly passed.
Smart people intentionally fail the asvab😂
Im the reason half my algebra class got an A prolly a similar situation 😂😂
I got a high score I'm not shure I remember. Not the highest but I had a ged and the college kids all seemed to have lower scores. I believe it's because there is a difference in critical thinking and memorizing things.
I don't know how many times you take the ASVAB nowadays, but back in 1988 when I went in, I think I took it 2 or 3 times. Once or twice before boot camp at MEPS and once at bootcamp. Is it still the same now?
Yep, I can’t believe this
Got a 36 on the test the recruiter gives you and was under the impression that I needed a 41 and was like damn
Bro I’m studying and I hope I pass. I was told i needed to score a 60 or above and now they said I can go as low as score a 10.
i have 3.85
Scored an 85 on the asvab I have a 2.35 GPA you might wanna check on your education system