
Just taking a drive and having a chat... plus some sales from the barn.


Informing your watchers about the reality of being a reseller is not being miserable at all. I always finds you guys happy and able to roll with the punches. So keep doing what you’re doing please, regards. 
Ps the tea shop lady sounds a bit miserable 😂


I always look forward to your videos - you both provide really good useful tips and content so a big thank you from me. I can't understand people leaving negative comments what is the point? Just keep being you and helping us all out. As you say, bring on Spring!


Try not to let them get you down. You are both very entertaining and good at what you do. 

I really enjoy your videos and resell on the side of my full time job. I have learned loads from you. Simon’s packing technique, and your pallet wrap storage have become a key part of my process


"Cup and saucered out"😆😆😆😆 - I know the feeling - your vids are informative and thought provoking - ignore the bad vibes, some people have nothing better to do. What's Simon doing in shorts??? it's bloomin freezing!


You and Simon have helped me so much with starting up my EBay shop. You’re both so friendly and helpful.


I’m not a huge commenter on anyone’s videos but I just had to say firstly, Faye, you are certainly not miserable. You are lovely on these videos and always so informative. Secondly, Simon’s work on the video topics doesn’t go unnoticed. I love his sit down chatty videos where he tells us what’s going on with eBay or my favourite is the bubble wrap saga! My husband doesn’t usually watch reselling videos but even he loved those ones. It got him very riled up 😂 love watching your journey and look forward to more videos. Take care both of you 😊


Love love your videos you both make my day , I’m always laughing when you two are on YouTube… I always watch when I’m in bed about midnight 😮… you make me have a good night sleep 🛌🥃 plus a night cup 😊 x


Hello Faye, thank you for sharing.  It's a pleasure getting to know you.  In MY perfect world it would be spring every day !


Thank you for the video, great help.


I've just discovered your channel and you got an instant new subscriber at the mention of cup and saucers.
I wish there were more female resellers on YouTube, I'm a reseller and I love watching YouTube in the evening to relax and keep up on trends but there's so few people selling what I do and I'm getting very bored with watching endless shoes and gaming stuff and shouting at the telly for everything they walk past that I know has great profit in it.


The only good thing about winter is that spring comes after it. My favourite season too I have snowdrops coming out .


Really enjoyed thank you 🎉


Thank you for the update on the vintage tea room stuff and for reminding me that we are on the backside of winter & spring is now close. I needed to hear that 🙏
Shame you didn’t get all the additional the pieces that go with your sets though, but time may fix that 🤞

It sounds like a bit of an uncomfortable situation, so possibly more reason why listing this particular haul is feeling like a long dull ache in an area very close to your perineum 😆

Keep up the amazing work you BOTH do 👏


Oh lovely lovely Faye, you are far from miserable. Ignore the haters, use the block button and keep on being your fabulous self 🎉


You two are so witty and my favourite re selling couple ❤


You are a business woman, that’s serious!  This is your living. Don’t worry about it. I don’t know how you have so much patience… carry on and keep earning. Rebecca


Looking forward to jumbles, caboots etc. Lot of them on in south east specially jumbles


Absolutely love your videos, you’re two of my favourite resellers. 
I was just wondering what your eBay shop is called so I can see if there’s something I could buy to support you?


Lego came from ebay open, mine was claimed by Faith two minutes after i got home !