
Do you work with an introverted employee?  What have you found to be effective ways to help them succeed at work?


This was great. I'm an introvert and borderline hermit.  I also suffer with major anxiety (treated), so this has always been a double struggle for me. My introvertism at work has always been mistaken for "lack of confidence", "moody" or misused term "anti-social". In my constant experience, most colleagues would assume it's safe to undermined, steal credit or scapegoat me in some way, until I have to assert myself respectfully (then I'm the problem). I wish my current boss was more considerate and intellectually adapt enough to realize the personality that I have. I've tried to somewhat express to her, but she is not one to care. Due to my type of position/workplace, I've always had insecure bosses who only focuses on their salary, scapegoating and uplifting themselves on the social-political ladder.


Lol stop talking about me🤣🤣🤣