
This was great! I have had this strong sense of pattern recognition since I was really little. I was 8 years old when I realised that my baby brother at about 6 months had a habit of crossing his eyes and that there was something wrong. It took several more months of me pointing it out before my parents agreed to take him to an eye doctor that diagnosed that he needed glasses.edit: I am AuDHD by the way. and always say that I don't rate people's words or actions highly I rate their patterns of behaviour. You can lie, you can pretend for a while but completely changing who you are consistently overtime is much harder to fake.


Hmmm. 🤔 makes. Sense


Loved this.  Can one also have that sense of pattern recognition and not be autistic?


I call it being hypervigilant, because I had to watch every twitch or weird phrasing from people in order to survive.  My kids just think that I am paranoid.  When I did not listen to my gut, my anxiety, or my nightmares, bad stuff happened.  It took me years to listen to myself because people told me that I was "too sensitive" or overreacting.  Yeah right, aint gonna do it.   The other issue is that I value plain speaking and rational thought.  Humans are not rational.