Pretty much everybody these days have a tight neck, and loosing the capacity to move it. These three are great to help with that. Great video, thank you!
Hi Dr. JO! Oh, I love the Mulligan towel stretch! Used it so much when I was working at the sports clinics! Thanks for sharing! . So important with all the computer work.. in fact, I gotta stretch now! Thanks for reminding me! SEE YOU SOON! YO AND VAGINIA πΈ
Thank you for your vlog!
These are awesome and so needed. Thank you Doctor Jo!!!!
You and your page are life savers, thank you! I deal with horrible muscle tension and knots. Since starting to do these videos daily, I feel like a new person π π
Love from Keralaβ€οΈ(India)
Holy smokes that towel thing was LIFE CHANGING
Many Thanks Doctor , today I had a lot of pain, I do your exercises an feel so better . Million thanks
Awesome, thank you Dr. Jo!
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
i love your videos!
Aaaah! I really need this!! Thank you for your videos :3
Can i do these with a low cervical disc bulge
Hey Jo , after many years of semi pro cycling I developed a few imbalances in my body and back. The worst issue was my neck by far. I just couldn't believe how long it took to finally resolve. I just followed your video's day in and day out. At times I thought it would never get better as my neck just hated all the exercises. However, it finally got better and I'm back cycling again. However, I'm keeping up with all the exercises now . Cheers Jo, lots of love from the UK X
Thank you πππ
Hi question is not related to this vid but thought if i ask here i may bet a better respose as latest vid, april 2019 i damged my knee crashed a motorbike knee slamed to the ground instant pain swelled up and couldnt move it for a long time but after i got movement back i supidly carried on as normal walking through pain still not having full range on movement i fell over and went into full squat postion huge pain fast forward till now my knee is super loose and have terrible sharp pain in my knee is physio a waste of time at this point? Thanks matt
Brilliant :-)
Does increasing strength of weak upper traps help prevent spasms due to weakness? I know you would need to strengthen mid and lower traps as well.