I really want to say, I love the way that other chakra colors are incorporated, like the patch of green in the middle of the purple here. I like it because when I bring my attention to my crown chakra I still want to be rooted to my core, so I often keep my heart chakra into my mind simultaneously. I've noticed some helpful and practical matches of colors throughout the series.
It makes too much sense that green is the beginning and the core. The harmony, and the life. It's so perfect to begin this way.
This is fascinating to me green and beyond. The spiritual colors, are so powerful but they are beyond the colors that mean power in nature they are the colors of compassion and intuition. It's a thought that I can't let go of even in my dreams. That these colors represent something more than ourselves. Something that any self can hold on to.
Why do I feel soothed after all the things that today happened to me, just listening to this, calmed my body and also made me feel comfortable and free.
on 3 doses i began my deep meditation process and layed in bed, set myself in a very comfortable position i created a queue list which stated with Chakra 1 and eneded with chakra 7 i layed there in deep meditation while trippin face and had my headphones on tv off and lights off and closed my eyes and let these sounds take over my mind.. what i felt and the thoughts that were released and the way my body felt was truly amazing..at one point i felt like my soul was being lifted.this is beautiful
Very kind comments so far, thanks to you all....
These are absolutly amazing...the sounds make me feel connected to some home I am not even sure of. How delightful.
@Daryan55TV Thank YOU, so appreciate you checking this out and your very kind comments....
There are some who claim we can access up to 12 levels, not just the seven that you so artfully accessed with your Inspiring work. Create On, brother of the Celestials.
After viewing a previous video where there were 444 views, I selected this video because it was 5:55 in length, however it has 81,999 views! You know numerology is another method of getting our attention on a spiritual level.
Great video, whenever I work with my chakras, I get natural "highs", they feel almost like a nicotine buzz but twice as strong, and watching this whilst opening my seventh chakra gave me the the most powerful "high" yet, I can't even begin to put into words where my mind has been the past 5 minutes and 55 seconds. Thanks again! =)
@LuvIzAhl thanks for checking it out and thanks for that comment....
Thnx for this It feels when i close my eyes i am in a wave 🙏❤
Thank you for making these presentation available. They are a blessing to us.
I am so grateful for that experience!
WOW, that was a very cool experience. I like to think my crown Chakra is open all the time as I can move energy quite easily through me. When I did this meditation my crown expanded to a level I have not felt before..... Thanks Ted keep up the great work! :)
@piccinini02 thanks for the very kind review... each video we used different techniques to try to get a unique look for each one...
@Shanfetica Thank YOU for checking it out, and for the encouraging review...
@brownfuji Thank you so much for the comments and insights. There is a lot of subtlety that I sculpt into these pieces and it is great to know that it is recognized! Im glad you enjoy. Bests, Ted