your father seems very sweet, please thank him for agreeing to do this
Hello Perth and Perth's dad!!!
Thank you Mr Dennis for agreeing to be on camera and sharing memories about Perth with us! Thank you Perth for trusting us enough to bring your father on. You have a lot of his features physically but also quirks and both of you have a very calming effect, now I am starting to feel that your mother is the extrovert in the family lol. It's so cool that Mr Dennis is a teacher. I didn't have a close relationship with my biological father growing up so seeing the two of you together feels rather wholesome and reminds me of my relationship with my stepfather. The photoshoot of younger Perth were great! When you were explaining the name of your fan group and your message, Mr Dennis looked so proud and its also one of the reasons I love this community. It feels like we all try to be respectful and kind, in the comment sections, I've yet to see anyone being a twat. It's also interesting hearing more of your Aussie accent.
My parents divorced when I was 12, and my father and I have never had a close relationship (monthly phone calls at most). He died last week at age 99, but I did my grieving for him decades ago, so have been able to deal with his passing without much trauma. But it's so wonderful to see the relationship that you and your dad have - thanks so much for sharing!
this video is so heartwarming. thank you perth and perths father for doing this.
OH, MY WORD! You two are so awesome together. I can picture your dad hearing the splash and getting you out of the lake. I never expected your dad to call your Steward. Furthermore, I am thrilled you could do this video with your dad. These are precious memories for years to come.
Dad: Perth was such a gentle child who grew into a gentle man later in the video... Perth never ate his food , refused to leave the park or play with with other kids 😂😂😂😂
Hi Perth, i really appreciate your kindness and honesty sharing personal stuff. Your dad ist such a nice person.
PERTH, thank you for sharing. Your Dad's voice is so sweet and soothing. I could listen to him all day. Both of you have a great disposition. A calming effect.
Papa Dennis 🤩 He has such a nice voice, I could listen to him talk all day! Perhaps a teacher turned audio book narrator? 👀
Yay, I was looking forward to this one! His immediate response to the grandson or granddaughter question was very sweet 🥺Gender doesn't matter as long as they're healthy, so true king!
When he said that Peth's good at looking after himself really got to me. I want to be at that level in my life, where my parents are at ease with wherever I am. I love how his dad is proud of him. This is something I'm working towards.
This was such a fun and nice video. I love the interacting between you and your dad, he seems calm and collected, fun and also someone Who think things through.
Such a warm family bond
Lovely chat. Thank you for sharing this moment with your family.
So cute! You definitely got your chill vibe from your dad. I appreciate the both of you taking the time to film your reflection ❤ so proud of your journey from then to now and what’s to come!
7:45 IM DYIIINNGGG 😭🥺 they look so cute talking about the lizard. Thank you Mr Dennis for agreeing to be in camera!!
Perth’s dad is so adorably shy at times. He is adorable
Perth's raised so well. I love the part where dad talked about Perth's fans like he's happy that he's respectful and spreading positivity. like he's just happy that his son is a good man 🩷