Tomato i have been watching you since i was 9 years old and i just wanted to say thank you for making my childhood ! And also i learned English because of you so thank you for that too ! 🍅🍅
Nice video
I’m supporting your code
tomato you should get a samurai icon skin love u im ur BIGGEST FAN❤❤
Sorry i haven’t been watching your video lately because i’m so busy but i’m still your biggest fan
Please do an OG FORTNITE RANKED challenge where you and Vader both go into solos and see who gets the highest rank first game!!
They gotta make a samurai tomato skin
I love these random challenge videos keep them up tomato
I love you tomato
Yo tomato when will veder get a mic 😊
Love it dude this skins are sick
You are the best tomato Fortnite player
The one fortnite youtuber that can convince me to use a creator code!!!!! 🍅
W video tomato! They should make a samurai tomato skin👀
1:02 vader being tomato master 😂 😊
I love your entertainment
Hi tomato you are my favorite YouTuber and I think everyone should use code tomato ❤❤