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Here is a quote from the creator of the statue himself, Rodin explained, "What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes." I don't see a clenched fist anymore...


5 years later: Thinker is wearing a tux


If it is of any interest to anyone - I am in my eighties now.  I remember the Thinker from seeing it in my early childhood.  He had his forehead resting on his fist; head bowed.  Even the face on this new version is unfamiliar to me! It is not as I remember it - as to the hat!!..............................................


I've always thought he was completely naked, no hat, and his hand, closed fist on his head. This creeps me out.


Out of all the Mandela effects, The Thinker is the one that has me most puzzled. I'm a Baby Boomer, I distinctly recall his hand on his forehead. And no darn hat! 😲😳 And, seeing people posing in front of it is freaky indeed, with their hands on their foreheads, different than the statue! This is just crazy.


I just remember him having curley hair...


I'm more shocked no one is taking about how The Thinker is resting his left elbow on his right knee.


8:01 omg not only did they specifically say "fist" in that description, but they said "on his forehead", yet the mini statue has the fist on the chin. Idk just thought that was odd.


Back in the 1980's I saw  the Thinker statue at the Cleveland Museum of Art (the one that was bombed in 1970.)  I distinctly remember the fist on his forehead and no hat. His pose always looked to me like he was deep in despair.  Now inexplicably all of the 1970 photos from the bombing show the current version with his chin resting on an open hand.  You will never convince me that this is the way it has always been-I saw it with my own eyes.


Okay someone is messing with me. I swear it was on his forehead.
Edit: nooooooo, there’s never been a hat!


It seems to me that ever since they turned on the large hadron collider “CERN” that’s when these things started happening, at least for me.


This guy has been through all kind of changes for me his hand has changed 3 times:
1. On the bottom of his chin
2. On his forehead
3 and now it's on his chin/covering his mouth


I literally screamed “ WHATTTT ??? A Hat??? NOOOO!!! WHATTT??? “,during the countdown. I was so flabbergasted 😲. I’m glad I was alone 😆


I originally remember closed fist to forehead.   Somewhere mid-90's, pre-awareness of M.E, I saw that The Thinker now had his closed fist under his chin.  It really rattled me because I was so sure it was fist to forehead.  Both previous versions for me had a closed fist. NOW... as of like 3 years ago, he has his uncleched duck hand smashed up against his mouth.  He's practically eating his hand, and it's creepy AF.  There is some more residue I think you missed, where in an article he is described as resting his forehead on his fist.  Also, I  agree that there was never a hat.  In addition, I originally only saw the thinker statue in white, or light color.  Now I only ever see him in a dark bronze.  
Look up the old Rolo candy commercial with the thinker statue.   It shows him with clenched fist under his chin/jaw, which would have been version #2 for me.  *Edit correction.  I just watched the 1986 Rolo commercial and his fist isn't clenched, so it isn't the same as what I remember from the mid-90's.  His hand is definitely under his chin, and nowhere touching his mouth.  I also don't think they gave him a hat. Now I have to go watch it again.  LoL!
Nope, I don't see a hat in the Rolo commercial.   
*more editing: regarding the IBM commercial, notice that at 14 seconds in, there is a woman sitting at a computer desk behind the line of statues, with her head resting on her right fist.  At 15 seconds into the video, she switches her pose to fist under her chin. Also, if I remember correctly, if you look at each of those statues on the conveyer belt, each one is slightly different, as though they are showing a progression of movement.  As you can see, the Thinker, has been bugging me for quite some time. 🤔


Well the Mona Lisa is smiling now. Remember she had a neutral emotion. Couldn't tell if she was happy or sad


Ok, I'm starting to think The Mandela Effect might be real.  How does this keep happening?


OKAY NO. No. I have always, always watched Mandela Effect videos and either been like “no way I remember ___” or “yeah that was always the way it had been” but NOTHING has tripped me out as much as this one.
....am I from a totally different timeline as ANY of you??
When this video started and it said there were three Mandela Effects that happened to this statue, and then you said it was made of BRONZE, I was like “oh well obviously that’s one of them.” I went to college to get an art degree. I sat through countless art history lectures. Not only that, but my humanities class in high school went on a large tour of art and architecture in Europe one summer. I have stood in front of the MARBLE statue. It was on display in a room full of other marble sculptures. I remember the loose fist on the chin, no hat, but the statue was WHITE. Every image you showed was absolutely, goose-bump-raisingly wrong to me.
I am literally sitting here outside in the texas heat with GOOSEBUMPS rn. Wtf this is not ok.


At least the hat looks like hair. It isn’t like he’s wearing a top hat or anything.


Maybe he’s thinking so hard about the answer to why he keeps changing