If John Denver were alive I'm sure he'd have you playing at one of his concerts cause that's amazing
Youtube need to add a love button cause this video really deserves one.
John Devnver is smiling from heaven! One man band! Excellent as always!
Slide fretless guitar perfectly in tune while playing another guitar perfectly as well. This is some next level playing.
My father passed away April 2nd 2022 and this was mine and his favorite song to drive down a back road. Listening to this made me smile for the first time since I lost him. 😔 thank you so much for this.
Luca Stricagnoli The best!
How this has 1.5M views and only 58k likes is unbelievable. Who do you know that can play a guitar and a slide guitar at the same time and sound this good? God bless you Luca for putting out such a great sound!
I FLEW over here to hear this one. One of my favorite artists of all time, and one of THE best natural male vocalists, as well. You did him proud.
Holy cow! The intonation is absolutely clean, and that with the picking hand, AND tapping simultaneously
John Denver would be proud to have you play his song in such a unique way. In my memory, I can hear him sing
I have no clue why but this brought a big stupid smile to my face. I'm also jealous of this guy's talent
Being able to watch this as many times as you want for free is pretty remarkable.
Always listening to this during morning. It gives me the feeling of a country vibes. I feel myself in my home town even though i am in a city now.👍😍
Luca, right now at the moment I'm learning lose yourself by you. It is so brilliant and creative. Thank you for the great inspiration. Grazie per il tuo lavoro!
I don't think I deserve to watch this level of talent.
This has to be the coolist performance of Country Roads I've ever heard, and I have listened to many over the past 45 years.
I am always so appreciative of people wit so much talent who are willing to share their craft. Amazing! More music and less politics please!
Absolutely amazing. An inspiration as always Luca. You make the world a brighter place with your talent.
Luca you are truly an awesome and very tasteful player. Thanks for the uplift . God Bless !!!