Dragging ass on production doesn't help. They shot out 5 seasons in 2.5 years we didn't have to wait 2-3 year for it to air
I would prefer that they continue with pre 2000 stories the comics were better before the 2000
We want Bishop. Bring him back 💯
its so annoying how they are dragging this out and not building off the momentum it created in season 1. 2 years in between seasons for an animated series is ridiculous especially since the first 2 seasons were already written
They should try and tie in or link to the beyonder being in the axis of time.
Congratulations you lost me, there’s absolutely nothing you could do to interest me in following something with this gap. So done with this laziness, Netflix just drops shows everyone else sits on their hands
I really hope they have more of storm showcasing her powers
Remember when companies dropped the entire series at ONCE?!? No gaps. No 4 year waits between seasons. My God. I miss pre-2020 television. Just don’t release anything at all unless you’re gonna release ALL seasons at ONCE. I’m not understanding the logic here. Like are these modern companies purposely releasing 1 season of their work to see how it does or what? You already dropped 1 season so just drop em all regardless if it flops or not. What am I missing here lol. I’d give more grace if each season was 20 episodes long but yo these companies are creating 8 episode seasons and still can’t drop one FULL cohesive 4 seasons at once. It’s 2025. What is with this pacing?? With all that being said, companies need to start finishing all seasons beginning to end and drop a full series and be done with it my God. All this waiting. It’s not just X-men’97, this is a huge problem with many of my fav shows. I swear it never used to be like this. Am I tripping? Don’t drop anything unless it’s the FULL series. Why drop 1 season and dip and have folks wait 5 years just for season 2. Damn don’t release anything until it’s all FULLY DONE! That’s the problem with these television today 😂 I remember when X-men evolution dropped it was the ENTIRE series. No 5 year gaps between seasons. Wow.
The season 1 finale ending was a big mess. How are they gonna resolve all this in season 2?
If Kevin faige likes him I like him
They need to bring the created writer back who wrote the season one and mostly season 2. That they still gonna use some of his work from and they see it was a success why not bring him back and fire him in the first place
What blows my mind is it’s 2026 release for only 9 episodes. Tbh I’m over it and am a huge X men fan…so disappointing
Marvel make some movies. DC has done great for years, catch up! Tons of great stories that dont need to be shows. Just make it an 1h 45min movie instead!
Please bring onslaught saga in season 3
When will season 2 be released? Besides 2026. I've heard it before.
Please bring me back to X-Men animated series cartoon show bring it back all of them
If anything I would so skip the 2000's and go back in time to the 1960's through the 1980's. Anything that came out after1994 I'd stay away from. There's so much stuff they can draw from. And while they are at it do a Captain America WW2 series skip the movie 4 garbage.