
My mom was treated at Hopkins for GBM in 2015.   She died there.  Another patient was being treated during the same period.  He died around the same time as my mom.  Dr Holdhoff is describing the Standard of Care which has been a dismal failure for people with GBM.  Please seek a clinical trial at Duke if you have this disease.


This doctor is wrong about chemo for gleoblastomas I watched my best friend and my mother  use this drug for their gleoblastoma. It caused unnessesary suffering and did not extend their lives. I believe that radiation, steroids, and anticonvulsants are the most humane treatment. The focus for a patient with glioblastoma should be palative. I also believe that families should get training in caring for a loved one with this disease. This is because most insurance will only cover home hospice care a couple days a week. Most people struggle with the patient s imobility and will need help learning how to clean, move and change bedding. this disease moves very fast so families will need to know the reality of the situation and not give false hope.Prayers to all who are dealing with this evil tumor.


i have a return in my brain tumor ...  starting chemo in febuary  radation / chemo


What treatment advise do you have for astrocytoma tumours? I  was told temodal tablets are given. How effective are they and can they reduce or kill the tumour?


Sir ,is it only for negetivity


How does brain works breast cancer


Gleobladtoma means


Y of seeming oneway sir BC oz of bpad


chemo is not the way!