
It was a rando-nautica adventure they were streaming


The baddies would have gotten away with it, "if it wasn't for those pesky kids"!


Wow they were taken out by their landlord. he got 46 years in jail.👽🇺🇲📡🌒✨


They were playing the coordinates games where u went to random spots the app told u and u have to record evidence of u going and doing the "mission" the app was banned due to the case being unveiled. It was a cool app whiel it lasted but was mostly played in biggggggg cities unlike the south I'm in


This was at Alki beach in Seattle. Theres a small memorial on the pier for the victims.


It was a randonautica stream and was way before tiktok existed!!


Those poor TikTokers they’ll never get that out of their minds. I’m glad they called the police though and that they had it all on video.


People who find human remains often develop psychological issues. I would have called law enforcement immediately and spared myself the pain.




This was a randonautica adventure in Seattle I do believe




Payton makes it so creepy and interesting ❤


This was actually very horrible. The family begged for these pictures to be taken down off the internet but they never were


Someone didn't know to put rocks in the bag...


I remember this


Every time I hear about human remains I don’t think body parts I think about poop


The house this happened in is literally back to back with my aunts house!!!


Heard the found this on that rando nautica app or something where it takes you to a random place


Wait I thought they were doin that app that sends u to random locations...