
Fever fans aren't limited to Indiana, they are in every state and even abroad.


Clean player.
Positive attitude. 
No drama.
Hard work ethic.
Beautiful inside and out. 
What's not to love?
A'ja plays a little dirty once in a while.
Several players have lost some of my respect by showing their true colors under stress. 
Usually against Caitlin.


The reason cunninghams Jersey sold so fast is #1 reason is her first Fever interview she let the entire league and fans that she will look out for her team and herself. 
#2 she is good player.
#3 she is so cool ❤


Well she's beautiful, she's good, and she's confident. Not in an arrogant way like Angel Reese.


Sophie, Welcome to the 
 Caitlin Clark Effect 😂


With Sophie, I think it is her infectious personality!  Her  positive energy and great smile just makes you want to root for her!


I got my jersey! Love my Sophie Cunningham.


A'ja? No one would have heard of her until Caitlin hit the court!


Because Aja Wilson isn’t a likable person.


I bet you can find an Angel Reese jersey... in any size you want.


I've become a Sophie Cunningham fan from just her Fever interviews. I can hardly wait for the season to start. Imagine having someone on the team that says she'll protect her teammates which is something which was totally lacking last year. Except for Nalyssa last year protecting her girlfriend last year who had just tried to gouge out Caitlin's eye. I'm so happy we now have Sophie who is a true professional.


I noticed, Sophie Jerseys $130, A'ja Jerseys $99.99.


The "Sophie Effect"! She's very marketable! The Fever's future looks bright!


There's something to be said to be a player that is personable, likeable, not being angry, who give other players their flowers, and is professional when it comes to their job and dealing with the media.


There is a difference between a selfish all me player and a humble player live with it Aja


She is the Helen of Sparta of the WNBA….

She’s gorgeous!!!


"let's be real, Fever fans are loving Sophie because she brings that raw, unfiltered energy that Indiana thrives on" ...yeah, that's why 😂


It is a real damn shame that the players don't get any % of sales on their merch!   It is the players name that sells the shirt!  They should get SOMETHING for it!


Get a Boston jersey.  She stuck to Clark like a twin sister. Show your your appreciation. Wear aBoston jersey she took a lot of hard hits running Clark's screens


Nike is probably blocking CC from getting other contracts.