
Just now seeing this video. I’m especially loving the one on one time with the children. I have one child and I’m grateful we spend time together in the kitchen. I’m disabled so I’m a stay home dad. My last 2 decades of working was in food service and my education on the job is quite extensive. I’m very proud of my child as I can see the love you have for your family


"Some of the best dishes in the world are served at bus stops in Asia"... So true 😍


Ho wonderful it is to see Gordon with his family


Nice recipes for sure a really old video all of the kids are well in their 20s now


Imagine how much money people spend going to cooking schools to learn what his kids learn for free. Wonderful family. And beautiful food.


Loved seeing the kids on their hover boards and roller skates!  Typical for a night at my house too!!  The poor floor boards and corners! 😃Funny how households with kids are so similar!


This is super old… 2013, ish? But he’s such a wonderful “softie” with the kids! I do love watching him with kids. It’s a side of him that you don’t necessarily see when he’s so frustrated in a kitchen (fix).


Those girls are so blessed to for their dad to be Gordon Ramsay lol Merry Christmas to you and your family Gordon, from the USA ❤❤💚💚


I absolutely Love the "Can we check? Just to be sure?" Totally Adorable!


Would’ve been great to have a 2024 version


Soon they will be all master chef’s.


Gordon you look super healthy keep it going


The way his son said “out to the venue” like he he was on the show ❤😢


Love that you bring the kids into the kitchen testing their senses Gordon! We are also a twin family 😊


The kid nailed it—cracking the egg like a pro! 👏


I love how they work together as a family to create this wonderful delicious meal!


Haha, hots off to a brother Scotsman, a fabulous, hard earned professional career and blessed with a beautiful family.....amen ❤🎉😊


Thank You and Happy Holiday’s 🎉 Great job kids 💗


the way he says verde is so funny 😂


You're awesome and what you do