
That's interesting. Thanks for the testing.  I do wonder if this DLC is more focused  towards the upcoming precision farming as the RL benefit for NEXAT is that has less soil compaction.


Good old fashioned testing. FarmerCop at his finest. My only concern with the Nexats are their size. They seem ideal for huge fields you typically don't see much on the out of the box maps.


With canola I think I got around 15-20 % more yield, but I didn't calculate it, more than 10% for sure. But I had a "early access" through a bug that happened with the 1.6 update, and from what Ive seen, mine is more buggy, so likely an older version. One bug I have which I don't see on YouTubers previewing this, is that the drivers cab clips into the wheel in work mode. Also some other stuff, and awful performance issues with severe stuttering, which I don't see on the preview videos.


The Nexat has breathed new life into my game. I thought it would be hard to utilize, turned out to be quite fun.


Did you run the test on non-swathable crops (corn, milo, sunflowers, etc)? I'm curious if it maintains the bonus.


Thanks for all your information. I tried the nexat pack but I don’t like leaving the strips for the tires so you do need 10 percent more also then mine finally would not let me lift or lower the planter and I can do more with the 24 row planter. So I sold everything


Im interested in playing with the nexat because I play on Michigan, however I feel itll be short lived when the Colossus harvesters are released.


I wonder if you can combine the MacDon and the Nexat. I guess not, if the Nexat can't use the normal header, then it likely can't use the MacDon  header that you normally put on a Harvester.
Otherwise maybe you could get 35% yeald increase. 25 from MacDon swath, and 10% from Nexat harvester. :D


For me these DLC's Nexat and MacDon are more suited for multiplayer and large field maps and not for European roads. The MacDon does have a bit less impact roadwise.


The extra yield bonus makes up for the yield you loose with the tramlines when you are using AI helpers.


Good tests! Hope your shoulder is healing up well!


You get a 10% bonus because the idea behind the nexus is that you will be control traffic farming however you don’t need a nexus to do this in real life and people are reporting yield increases of 18% for controlled traffic farming in real life


How does it stand against swathing though? Because that gives more yield than just harvesting doesn't it? 🤔


Pay-to-win ?? .... was your comment about the nexat speed difference implying that the machine catches the grain before it can escape?? 🤣


if it was me i'd just go for speed and a cheaper harvester then the nexat it's just easier to drive a combine then that 
a combine can also turn sharper and go on maps that there is tight spaces


Do you know if bonus applies for corn also🤔


I wonder if its simulating the Nexat has less grain loss out the back than traditional harvesters?


Naxat Vs mcdon yield bonus next?


Thanx for these tests they are very informative...


Does it stack with the macdon bonus i wonder