
I’m not trying to insult the show, I’m just trying to accurately describe it. Mentioning reused animation and business practices of the time is not an attack on the series… I’m just explaining things for a newer audience.


Most of these complaints are very much deserved, but if he thinks this show reuses too much animation, he should see season 3 of Spider-Man 1967


I first saw this in the late 70's as 7-8 year old kid and I loved it. Too young to care or notice the animation flaws it was great


It was Saturday morning, I was 8 years old, I didn't care about all the cheap animation.  I had my bowl of Cocoa Krispies and I was all set.


I dont think the kids cared and was just happy to watch their heroes


2:39 gotta love how there is no logical way for joker and penguin not to see Batman coming, but they still got caught off guard


Having watched this as a kid in the late 70s and early 80s, I have a fondness for this show much like the '67 Spider-Man series, despite their flaws. There is no denying that Kevin Conroy is the definitive voice of Batman, but for me growing up, Olan Soule was that voice. Except for a brief time in the early 80s when The New Adventures of Batman aired and the final seasons of the Super-Friends cartoon in the mid-to-late 80s (both voiced by Adam West), Soule and Casey Kasam were the Dynamic Duo in this show, The Super-Friends, and even Scooby Doo.


I grew up in asia in the 80s, and they showed this cartoon show, I believe it helped me a lot with my English communication skills, along with other English language cartoons.

Also, I did not really care about the “bad” animation, you have to understand that for us kids at the time, it’s the static, on the comic book page superheroes now in moving pictures. It was kinda a step up from the comic strips and the static drawings. 

And this cartoon was a higher level of animation quality above the old Marvel cartoons, and I even liked those low tech animations.

You had to be there to appreciate it more.


I watched this as a kid. It was on Saturday mornings as a part of the Batman/Superman Hour.


I loved this as a kid


The target audience was 6-year-old children pumped full of sugar bomb cereals who did not notice any flaws. I should know, I was 6 years old back then.


As a child of the 60s, none of this mattered to me. I was born in 1963, and I got to see Batman and Robin and the Bad Guys. We didn’t sit there and analyze it. We just wanted to be entertained on Saturday Morning. Sure as a Adult, You can be a prick and pick it apart. But I suspect the 5 year old you didn’t give a crap about anything that you’re talking about.😎


Babe wake up, vee infuso dropped another Batman video


I remember this Batman Cartoon was Paired Up with Reruns of Aquaman and Superman.


I have this series on DVD. Some of the plots were a little outlandish, but this was also a part of my childhood when it ran on syndication in the 70's and later on USA Network Cartoon Express in the mid-90's.


Don't care what anyone says,i loved Filmation ..re-used shots and all...


Still better animated than the classic Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Namor cartoons.


No excuse of the year Johnny Quest came out in the 60s and it was bad ass


Limited, yes. But "still" a classic show.


What a great series