
This was cool! Great job, musta been a ton of recording haha!


Honestly morning coffee with a welcomin video is going to become a tradition at this point 😂 And its been awesome seeing you grow so quickly, especially within the last month and a half or so!


welcomin next time u do something like this i would advise using a silktouch pick and mining it all at the end at once. it looks cooler and u can get a sick timelapse out of it but other than that this video bangs and is amazing


if you ever do this, i suggest turning them into blocks(even the raw ones, as there are now raw iron,gold and copper blocks.)


I just found your channel and have watched an unhealthy amount of your videos, i cant stop watching them they are just soooo good


Thanks for the awesome video! the only thing that bugs me is how close you were to 13000 copper


Seeing you grow so fast makes me feel so proud even though I only helped out with my 1 sub. I love your videos, keep up the good work!


Welcomintv: "more ore to add to our collection"
General grievous: "more lightsabers to add to my collection"


Wow this video is super duper cool!


Quite the mining expedition! When you build your castle you could use all those excess diamonds to make yourself a throne 😎


After all the Mining for 10 HOURS, he didn't find a single emerald?

It really shows the rarity of emerald right there. It's either that or he didn't really care enough to add emerald to the list.

Edit: I watched the end and I saw he got 5 EMS, FOR 10 HOURS, WTH


Youdid a great job dude i can't even imagine how much frustrating it would have been


Im amazed. Really wild ngl and you somehow made my day! Thank you. And btw. sorry for posting this comment so late but I watched the first 10 min right after you launched it. The rest 6 a bit later because of some work I had to do. Greate video


You’ve been doing great man! Maybe aim for a diamond beacon 😉


Great work dude!!
I love all ur vids


i like how i spend the whole day at school and i find a random recent minecraft video on youtube


as some one who can always be found in his mine under his base, you can get lost in mineing.  What I did, was placed a beacon down on layer ZERO (as you cant mine deepslate any faster wven with a beacon) and then mined 50 by 3 by 50.  and then I did another 4 layers of that.  the amount of granite, diorite, andersite, IRON, lapis you get is amazing.  5 layers = about 40k blocks. (ive extended my beacon to include 1 extra becon so i have fast runing as well as fast mining) think i spent like 6 hours doing 2-3 layers the other day.  so much IRON which means MORE beacons :P  Oh and also so you dont have to keep goign back to base.  You need to fill an Ender chest with Shulker boxes and take those with you.  you can mine so much more :D


This video is relaxing after a hard day of work


Hey hey!!! 10 hours of mining?! immaculate. water buckets give me anxiety


Its 9h ago but I just wake up I haven't brushed my teeth and I'm watching this amazing vid