8:01 ayo
The current relevant members of the Z fighters are Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, & Broly
Most of the Z-Fighters (barring Gohan and Future Trunks) were initially enemies or rivals to Goku but the number of hardships they endure like facing the same goal (like the Dragon Balls or sharing the same enemy) resulted in them becoming great friends and allies.
In later arcs, the effectiveness of the Z-fighters in the grand scheme of things was basically whittled down to a few Saiyans. The overall narrative structure of every one of Z's sagas could be summed up as "major characters of varying degrees of importance lose against the main villain one by one (if they're lucky, they'll be able to kill a secondary enemy or two) until Goku is able to step in, fully recovered from whatever last held him back and stronger than ever, to finally defeat them. After dying in the Saiyan invasion, Tien, Piccolo, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha are all introduced as training under King Kai in Otherworld, and all had gotten there significantly faster than Goku himself. There are a few episodes of Filler showing them training and even beating the Ginyu Force with relative ease. Keep in mind Krillin, Gohan, and even pre-Zenkai Vegeta were really struggling against Recoome. It took Goku's arrival to turn the tides against them. This however doesn't amount to much in the long run, as they are back to being highly outclassed by the time Frieza, Super Saiyans, and the Androids are introduced.
Yo bro! Now make Can what If Homelander was in Devil May Cry? And Do Can Homelander Survive Against Pennywise?
We needed this for the dumb dbz fans 😂