"We are not competitors" that's what most of us struggle with on this part of the world at least, hence we slow down our growth by not working together. Well said Luc, love your approach.
Hi, about not being in the studio, dude that’s what sets you apart, anyone can sit in a chair and give advice, but being in the action is what I love about your channel! Keep it up!
Please do more videos like this. Your office is great, but seeing you in the field gives a unique feel and shows that you walk your talk. Great job man, i'm sure this took extra work.
Thanks this helps a lot. I’m 12 years old and I got a grant to make a documentary so I’m doing some research.
1:36 More than cool with your videos being out of your office. The fact you’re a working DP is exactly why I keep coming back to your content.
I think it is wonderful to see you working. It adds such authenticity to your videos. You are a working DP. It can't always be a perfect studio set all the time.
Luc thank you for this information! It is always nice to see people do presentations outdoor of the studio. I understand that doing outdoor shooting is not the best, but it shows us that it is possible. As one who is getting their feet wet learning this stuff I feel like a sponge trying to learn and remember. Time will tell as I progress on this journey.
I love your team spirit with other filmmakers :) and what a time to be alive to learn from real pros. So cool!
Too awesome. I filmed a board delivery with Jose for one more wave when I was just getting started in media production. So stoked to see his story continue! The coverage looks crispy!
Just found your channel, thank you so much for yupr advice and kind character
Amazing content Luc. 2 month follower and have learned so much. My filmmaking notebook is getting more full every monday thanks to you!
your videos and insight are second to none. i also see your uploading consistently and i urge you to keep going. this channel has potential to become big and i think it will be easier to do so with more broad, reaching topics. but the main point im making is that you have potential and your videos are great. thank you for what your doing and for your very valuable insight!
Love your attitude about not having a scarcity mindset and working to build, grow and improve the film industry! Thank you for being so authentically you!
I really like what you said about it not being a competition, I've said the same thing time and time again about music, if it helps bring out creativity and collaboration and builds community it can only be a good thing :)
Glad that the film finally released!
Love you Luc!!
Sometimes different is good, no need to apologize for having a job buddy, and especially the job you make videos about 😊
This was extremely inspiring...Thank you, and I look forward to seeing your new film:)
Thank you for your commitment to the craft and willingness to impart wisdom. Instant subscription.