"i don't really know what it's called, but I like it"
I like how he talks to you as like he knew you, gives it a super personal touch to the vid
He had the best thing going for writing I reckon. He maybe learned a load of theory as a kid, then forgot most of it cognitively, but played enough so his fingers still knew the theory, then could just relax and turn his brain off while he doodled till the good stuff happened. Pure instinct at that point - loose and playful without having to worry. The words and soul of it can’t be taught or practiced though, he was just that guy. Holy shit he wrote some beautiful beautiful songs. Hard to accept that he’s not here, his music’s been a constant friend in my life.
His answer to that last question is legitimately fantastic advice
How to write a song: "JUST RELAX - and quit THINKING about what you think other people wanna hear, you know?" :Elliot Smith
Best 144p video in youtube.
This video is absolutely amazing. I didn't know you could do that with legos
Elliot was so humble, such a gifted musician. His technique and body of work is absolutely genius.
"There must be some something good about it because you liked it, right?"
Damn, I did not realize how intricate "A Question Mark" was till I saw this
Tips to be an awesome songwriter: 1. Be Elliott Smith 2. Write music
wild how he can just play a random bunch of chords off the top of his head and it’s just instantly recognizable as him
Very underrated acoustic guitar player. You can play scales and shred all day, but some of those chord changes and shapes are truly hard to play.
“ I think it’s easy if you just relax and stop thinking about what people want to hear.” This one hit me hard. I find myself thinking about people listening to my music as I write it and because of that I take way less risks and Probably makes it less emotional
Vid quality: 144 Advice Quality: 1080p 4K
...plays epic example of a song and ends with: "but, its an electric guitar song" as if to somehow be meek about it. I love him and I miss him. I wish he was still around to continue making such beautifully orchestrated music. RIP, Elliott. Im sure they've got a guitar or two up there for you. I cant wait to get there and see what you've come up with.
I wish more people had asked about his songwriting process.
I wish this clip would have been at least one hour of length.
I think the lesson to be learned from this video is that Elliott Smith never really knew why he was so unbelievably amazing at writing songs theres just.. uhh.. some.. stuff and chords he likes and.. uhh.. he is imaginative.. and uh.. he likes music. haha. theres no explaining his genius.