Booker T probably knows this will HELP Stevie's channel nothing like some good HEAT!
Stevie Richards, we’re coming for you….
We've been telling Stevie to stop click baiting. His own community sees this booker
You don't want Booker T coming for you, Stevie!🔥
Stevie Richards is gonna respond, Book. It's interesting since Stevie has said good things about you, Booker. I don't get the beef, man.
Stevie's show is 100x better than Booker's.
Stevie really seems legit , both him and Maven have been really hitting it off. He has said nothing but nice stuff about booker in the past. If he is serious about this comment, it's the 2nd biggest L he took after wm19
Yeah booker just messing with Stevie
Let em know Booker T 💯💯
Y'all getting worked by Booker on this one.
Booker is just busting balls. This is nothing more than a storm in a teacup.
Stevie is wrestling analyst at this point. Leave him be.
Stevie’s show is cool they get into a lot of technical stuff! A pod cast feud gets ratings! Booker your the man like your show to
Booker is the best Oh yeah man!!
I get the feeling this aint Booker T working.... This is why so many wrestlers choose their words so carefully in interviews. Lot of big egos to bruise.
I LOVE Richards...nice guy
Booker a trip 😂😂😂
Book vs Stevie. Bell rings. Kick to gut, scissors kick. 123. Ring the bell
I cant wait to see Richards respond.