Honestly that doctor should be taken out of practice, that level of ignorance is dangerous. Im glad his ignorance didnt have worse effects on you
Every time I hear your story, it makes me so mad at the doctor because you were 8. I cannot fathom any 8 year old child ever lying about their symptoms the way that doctor accused you of. As someone who often has to advocate for my mother in medical situations where doctors try to run all over her, medical negligence infuriates me!
Medical GASLIGHTING MUST STOP! I’m sorry you experienced this! I ended up having an 11 centimeter blood clot in my neck and the doctor kept telling my mom I was fine and just wanted pain meds (this is 1999-2000). He sent me home and for some reason my mom brought me back to the same hospital the next day and same doctor was there 😡. He said ‘I’ll admit you to make you happy!’ FF 3 days later, they found a life threatening clot. I made sure I found him before I left that hospitalization and told him - in front of ALL OF HIS CO-WORKERS
That first doctor should be sued for medical malpractice. My mom had severe back pain and her primary care provider referred her to a chiropractor without any diagnostic tests to determine the source of the pain, later on an MRI determined my mom had cancer in her spine. Sadly my mom passed away over the summer from her cancer. Some doctors are just outright incompetent.
I was moved by your story and your positivity. As a physician I was inwardly screaming when you were sent home from the hospital. You could have died. I am so happy you got treatment and regained so much function. Thanks for educating me more on spinal cord diseases.
I’m baffled that any medical professional would be so ignorant and assume that a literal child is faking paralysis to the point that they aren’t reacting to cold 😒 thanks for sharing your story. I’m currently on a journey of being diagnosed with chronic/autoimmune stuff and accepting that I’m disabled ❤️ your confidence is helping me feel peace in using the accommodations at my disposal.
5 mins in and the medical gaslighting you received is absolutely unacceptable. I'm so sorry you went through this. you are an inspiration.
My friend told me how women get discounted in hospitals. The hospital discovered her daughter had cancer only after my friend's husband got involved saying something was wrong with their daughter. My heart breaks for your experience - and wow, you're an upbeat gal.
Was that doctor ever made aware of his mistake? Also, had he taken the situation for what it was, could any of your paralysis have been avoided if you'd received treatment sooner? Also, you have the most gorgeous clear skin, such a beautiful face!
Thank you for clarifying that Sarah Todd is your first name, and that it isn't just Sarah, so that we know Todd is not a middle name or part of your last name and can address you correctly! Thanks, ST!
The name of this doctor should be made public!
As a former paramedic, I used to feel bad for patients I dropped off in the E.R. especially if a diagnosis was not straight forward. The care is substandard 3rd world stuff. I'm sorry it happened to you. Congratulations on your successes in life, you're an inspiration.
Virus in my spine: at some point in the 1990s, half my body went numb. After a few weeks I went to a neurologist. He told me I must of had a virus and a piece of the virus stuck to a place in my spinal column. He told me that after a certain number of weeks it would just go away. Thankfully it did. Most people thought I was making up my diagnosis. You are doing great work. Thank you for sharing.
As a mother, I would have been LIVID if a doctor thought my child was faking! This is beyond unacceptable!!! This makes me livid!!!
My girlfriend is a pediatric surgeon. I've made her listen to your story and translated it for her. She's absolutely horrified by what happened to you.
Imagine being airlifted to the place that is supposed to be the absolute best place to take care of you, only to be accused of faking and being discharged. Unbelievable!!!
That first doctor was insanely negligent. I am so frustrated these guys exist. But, I am so glad u r alive and have at least partially recovered.
This boils my blood. Doctors not believing us is so frustrating. I was told for 10 long years I had hayfever but I actually had tumors that were slowly but surely killing me. Just think, if they believed us straight away how much better off would we be? I'm so happy to see you have empowered yourself throughout your journey. Writing a book at 11!? How many people can say that? I'm so happy the algorithm showed me your channel.
As a mother myself, I find the way your mom advocated for you in the ER to be inspiring. She sounds like an amazing mom. Your attitude about your disability is also inspiring. And btw, you always have the cutest sweaters. Thank you for sharing ❤