This is a great message I enjoyed the interview well-well. Left 9ja as a young Pesin in 1989 on full tennis 🎾 scholarship from an American college. As I don enter middle age category now, the final chapter left for me & Yawo na to JAPADA back for semi retirement in 9ja next spring. Abroad is like a marker place. You visit & do business and when market is closed, you take all the gains back to home country. It’s been a wonderful journey & I really appreciate all the opportunities I got in the United States❤️❤️🎾🎾
Very great answers from the guest. I guess the answers caught the host unaware…Yhh we’ve to make efforts to build our own
Kafi has made a good decision, i support him . I'm here in the UK, i have no social life ,considering that i can't help my relatives to move here, let alone help them to visit. It's costly for me to always be the one to visit. I'm from SA, and I'll be following suit very soon after my kids finish their schooling. Meantime I'll be saving £200 per month towards flight fare. At least i learnt something here, on how to be frugal and be thankful on every little thing in life. Would rather go to another african country than in Europe.
This dude is so calculated, he speaks cautiously because he is indepth with knowledge. Only those with a higher level of thinking and having vision beyond sight will get him or catch where his narrative and submission are gearing to. I know what I am talking about, it takes a deep analytical mind to align with him on this; he is trying to channel something that is deep for the average mind to catch. Sometimes it gets sad when you the only who know the reality and truth behind the narrative you are trying to push, even to the extent you have to try convince and explain to people over and over again just for them to believe you and buy into it. Tochi, mark this space and make a follow up on this dude after a decade if he pushes the agenda he get in mind and see how big he will be compared to his current state.
May God bless all our hustle anywhere we find ourselves
A friend left UK after over 40 years and bought a house in the West Indies. They were burgled 3 times in 2 years and the house emptied each time. They couldn't leave their house . Her pension would come through the bank in the West Indians. That may be one area why she became a target. After the 3 yrs she came back to UK and stayed. In some countries, once people know that youre from abroad, you become a target of being robbed. 😢
Tochi, this young man from Ghana is really a true son of Africa. Love him for thinking about coming back to invest in his country. That's very thoughtful of him. I pray God will help him.
This is a very big decision ,what I can say is always know yourself very well and know the WHY you are moving abroad that way you will have a solid plan in place like our brother Kofi here.
May you succeed in your decision Kofi. Thumbs up to you for the bold decision 👍
A very smart man right there! Tochi very negative perspective. The guy has his convictions. He never said he was tired he said he wants to move to the next level of success and wants to take the risk of investing in Africa plus he wants a social life as money is longer a problem.
Tochi is difficult for you to rap your head why people are leaving because maybe to don't have [plans of coming back lol, is far better to be in naija if you are making even only 1500usd , you will have a better life than anyone in USA
I can't wait to go back too. Nigeria, Ghana and scecyclles (sp) on my mind
That’s their choice, I just came to Uk and not leaving anytime soon
Tochi why did you find it difficult to answer that question. Is it simply because you don't have any plans of moving back home? He has done the wisest thing, make the money, move back home , give back to the society and by so doing we would also have a better place we can call our own. Collectively we can build that country we have always dreamed of. Weldone Kofi you have done great❤
Tochi thank you for this interview. Much appreciated.
Let's encourage our people to move back home instead of discouraging them bcus of safety. I'm from the US and I'm telling u, everywhere in Africa is safer than the US.
Kofi, you're the man. I concur with your move going back home. For Africa to be better, we as Africans are responsible for that.
Well done bro! 💯 agreed
Some of us have businesses striving back home. But going back home is not an option for lot of us for now because of lack of insecurity.