That retro themed keyboard brings me back. Its quite beautiful! It reminds me of the times working with those big boxy monitors, and the simple design of Microsoft. I personally hate new Microsoft/Windows.
It looks Very nostalgic but also fantastic!, i love retro stuff.
james donkey is quite the name
Looks like something that comes with windows 98
I want this keyboard so bad
Don't care about the retro trend No nostalgia for it Happy for the people that are into it Just not for me Give me keyboards in the style of early 2000's bulby transparent plastic Mac's and you have my attention
Sounds good! Flexy board seems nice, too. But there's a reason the world was so excited to FINALLY get a COLOR (black) for electronics back in the late 90s. That dead cement-beige-taupe color doesn't age well, either.
Sounds like an A.I voice over
It's thee bestest best stylishly stylish style.
please review royal kludge M75
I personally love it, but I feel it could be better
Asking for you to upgrade the hyper alloy 60 day 5
Try the budget keybord redragon k617 fizz rgb pls❤
How do you get sponsorships when u only make shorts?
Johnny Bonkers 420 by "What the Fuck"
I will comment on all your shorts until I get a free custom mechanical keyboard I live in Indianapolis too I know this because you mentioned it in a video
old looking ahh keyboard🙀
Why is this an AI Voice?