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That therapist needs therapist


I could be wrong but I think somewhere down the line she knows she is wrong but  she doesn't have the spine to accept it, so she just goes her way defending herself anyway possible.




As a girl myself, I'm so fed up with the toxic psuedofeminist ideas being mixed with genuine feminist issues, which takes away from soo much. 
I also hate drawing false equivalence to men's issues, and women's issues.
I can't understand why the society can't be mature enough to handle  two different things separately.

Shwetabh Bhai, Happy New Year. I'm sorry the year started with such negativity, but I hope your radiance and wisdom doesn't get corrupted by such petty people.


Anybody who doesn't watch Awkward gyatt is my friend without introduction.


The audience of Swetabh never goes below the belt..
aur agar kisine kiya wo Swetabh ka audience nei hai


The Spill Bee is always on Attack Mode πŸ—ΏπŸ”₯


I'm a dentist who is a mother to a 1 year old girl. I have my struggles but I love your videos Bhai. They teach me a lot. God bless you ❀


this is exactly the type of threats which atul subash may have faced !!!!!!


Audacity to say that "i do not consent to my video being used to send me r@pe and death threats" AFTER she called AJ bhairav "Potential r@pist"


Ohhh so she also kinda instigated her followers into thinking AJ Bhairav is a misogynist potential r@pΓͺ ist 
But she is the victim because a man replied to her without abuse or asking his followers to abuse her?? πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ


1:33 there were people commenting bout her that she's the type to file false cases, i thought its too early to judge but nah they were right


Honestly swetabh sir is Actual Chill guy in Youtube indiaπŸ˜‚


This channel's audience is gangsta and will never go below the belt


Spill bee is always so on point, so neutral and rational! ❀❀


She deserves lawsuit 
She needs to go jail


Ye therapist hai? 😭 This country is doomed bro


That's messed on so many levels
It's not even a joke at this point she should really get therapy and how can she call herself a psychologist if she acts like that,even a teenager would take their own responsibility and also would face the situation straight


01:40 with all due respect anybody who actually respects and follow Shwetabh will not give R@ P3 threats to any women.