“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
“I love you” “I know.” From Star Wars And “Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, your my only hope.” Is literally one of the most iconic quotes
"You expect me to talk?" "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." Goldfinger
"one does not simply walk into mordor"
“Some men, just want to watch the world burn”.
"I've got a jar of dirt!" -Captain Jack Sparrow
The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem. - CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen..."
"Oh hi Mark" -Tommy Wiseau
"If you are good at something never do it for free" - Joker
“it’s a trap” - you know “what doesn’t kill you simply makes you stranger”. - you know “some men just want to watch the world burn. - you know I am iron man” - endgame
Still no Pirates or the Carribean quotes?? “I got a jar of dirt!” “Why is the rum always gone?” Etcetc
1 0:20 The Godfather: Part 3 2 0:24 The Jazz Singer 3 0:27 All That Jazz 4 0:29 Beetlejuice 5 0:31 Jurassic Park 6 0:33 The Matrix 7 0:37 The Wizard of Oz 8 0:40 Harry Potter 9 0:42 Tombstone 10 0:44 In the Heat of the Night 11 0:47 Highlander 12 0:48 Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome 13 0:50 Batman 14 0:52 Scream 15 0:53 Rosemarys Baby 16 0:55 Marathon Man 17 0:56 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 18 1:02 Bonnie and Clyde 19 1:03 Casablanca 20 1:05 The Godfather 21 1:07 Army of Darkness 22 1:11 A Christmas Story 23 1:12 Crocodile Dundee 24 1:18 They Live 25 1:24 Serenity 26 1:26 RoboCop 27 1:28 Predator 28 1:29 Taken 29 1:36 The Wild Bunch 30 1:37 Lethal Weapon 31 1:40 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark 32 1:43 Breakfast Club 33 1:48 The Jerk 34 1:52 42nd Street 35 1:55 Sunset Blvd 36 2:00 Anchorman 37 2:01 History of the World: Part 1 38 2:02 Spider-man 39 2:06 Gladiator 40 2:10 I'm No Angel 41 2:13 Jurassic Park 42 2:16 The Elephant Man 43 2:25 Saving Private Ryan 44 2:27 To Kill a Mockingbird 45 2:33 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 46 2:37 The Maltese Falcon 47 2:40 It's a Wonderful Life 48 2:46 Now Voyager 49 2:49 Jerry Maguire 50 2:51 Casablanca 51 2:55 A Nightmare on Elm Street 52 3:01 V for Vendetta 53 3:04 Freaks 54 3:07 The Silence of the Lambs 55 3:10 Deliverance 56 3:12 Dr. Strangelove 57 3:16 Shane 58 3:22 The Wizard of Oz 59 3:26 Night of the Living Dead 60 3:29 The Fly 61 3:31 Apocalypse Now 62 3:35 Psycho 63 3:37 True Grit 64 3:39 Planet of the Apes 65 3:44 Snakes on a Plane 66 3:49 Pulp Fiction 67 3:52 Gran Torino 68 3:53 Rebel Without a Cause 69 3:56 The Room 70 3:58 And Justice For All 71 4:00 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 72 4:05 A Streetcar Named Desire 73 4:08 Moonstruck 74 4:09 Mommie Dearest 75 4:13 The Big Lebowski 76 4:19 Goldfinger 77 4:21 Glengarry Glen Rose 78 4:22 Funny Girl 79 4:23 The Mask 80 4:26 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 81 4:27 Caddyshack 82 4:28 Clueless 83 4:29 Donnie Brasco 84 4:30 Back to the Future 85 4:31 Fargo 86 4:32 Evil Dead II 87 4:33 The Princess Bride 88 4:34 The Shining 89 4:35 The Graduate 90 4:36 National Lampoon's Animal House 91 4:38 Annie Hall 92 4:39 Wayne's World 93 4:43 Aliens 94 4:45 War Games 95 4:47 Saw 96 4:48 The Apartment 97 4:49 Star Wars: A New Hope 98 4:50 Full Metal Jacket 99 4:52 The Blues Brothers 100 4:54 Ghostbusters
"Come with me if you want to live" -The Terminator
He forgot ”It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground”
2:16--"I am not an animal! I am . . . a human being." Such an iconic, heartbreaking line. On its own, it hurts, but if you know and watch it in all its context, it completely punches you in the gut. Merrick's finally had enough and gone through so much suffering, he finally stands up for himself at his most vulnerable moment. An amazing story and an amazing performance.
"STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP" - Capitan Jack Sparrow - The Curse of the Black Pearl
"why is all the rum gone" "Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom" "I got a bad feeling about this" "some people just want to watch the world burn" "I am Ironman" "Look at how they massacred my boy" (don't remember if this was already) "run Forrest run"