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I’m surprised you didn’t even mention daughter of discord tbh, I remember being OBSESSED with this fic when I was a kid and yikes did I not notice how creepy it was sometimes!


I'm sorry but the little unborn child just being there off the side is hilarious


The way she described Discord's backstory in this made me think of Megamind. Weird kid is last of his species and tries to fit in using his talents. Messes it up and ends up looking like the bad guy. Decides to be the bad guy he's accused of being, while having fun with it.


“the real bride of discord was the friends we made along the way” absolutely sent me


Yeah. I think it's safe to say that I'm not the same writer I was around 10 years ago that I am now.
I mean I was 18. No 18-year-old is expected to be a perfect writer who knows everything about the world (heck I was even homophobic before I came out myself).
Thank you for offering your honest opinion. Maybe when I'm in a better emotional mindset, I'll watch the whole thing one day.


I really like your good-natured attitude towards amateurish/dated material. It's very sweet and positive.


Yeah, the Spike and Applejack thing ALWAYS irked me, even when I was like 13.


Ironically, I feel like Keep Calm and Flutter on was unironically a better Fluttercord story, and this is coming from a multishipper with a love for Flairity (Rarity x Fluttershy). Fluttershy calls Discord out when he's being an asshole and Discord actually has to reflect on his actions and be a better person. It's believable that they start becoming better friends and their development in future episodes could realistically lead to them becoming a couple. Fluttershy is a character that tries to see the best in everyone and it makes sense that it's in her nature to give even the worst people a second chance and that she would see his legitimate efforts to be better and appreciate them. But she also sets limits and makes it clear to Discord she won't put up with him abusing their friendship to do whatever he wants and he needs to be a good friend too.


Oh yeah the whole Applejack x Spike thing is ….uncomfortable. And AJ’s was just definitely Out of Character in this.


I actually wouldn’t call Cadence’s baby a prediction. You’d have to be an old fan to remember this, but back in the day right after the two got married and the crystal empire was shown, there was already a very famous fan OC (which even got its own toy) named Princess Skyla. It was basically a Sweetie Belle recolor, but when flurry heart was shown I remember there being backlash that she wasn’t Skyla.


I love how respectful this is. You can be critical without hating on the creators behind it (especially since most of them were young and inexperienced), and I like that you give credit to the creative effort behind it.


Just to be clear, you were correct about the first voice actor for Discord leaving because he didn’t like the relationship between the main characters. Way back when, I actually kept up with this and he made a video explaining it. He’s probably long since deleted it, just thought you should know you were accurate about this detail!


Late to the party, but as a VOA/actress myself, Rarity has what's called a Mid-Atlantic or Transatlantic accent. It was really popular in Hollywood in the 20th century, as well as the 'upper class'. It's not EXACTLY British, but it was as close as the US ever got to a 'posh' accent. Small detail, doesn't really matter, but there you go. :)


The song that Discord sings to Fluttershy is a parody of "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera, genuinely gave me whiplash when I first heard it and I couldn't stop laughing throughout the entire thing. Also yeah, the original song's lyrics is around just as creepy as it is in BOD


Ok, I actually really love that you kept the baby on screen so we didn't forget about her. My memory recall can be pretty shoddy at times, and I often DO forget "let's put a pin in that" details in longer video essays


I kinda feel like the show shares some blame for legitimising Spike as a possible romantic interest for the adult ponies. They play it off as a will they won’t they dynamic, and while us adults understand it’ll never happen because of the age difference the show never really explains to children who don’t understand that why this kind of relationship is wrong.

I understand children crushing on older people is a normal thing that happens and it’s not inherently wrong to depict that, but when your audience is mostly children I think you have a responsibility to explain why these kinds of relationships shouldn’t be pursued. Many young people don’t fully understand why they’re wrong so depicting them completely neutrally leaves some kids just thinking this is a normal romantic pairing. It’s no surprise that some young impressionable fans wrote fanfics thinking this was normal.


As someone who has been in 2 abusive relationships, the author is definitely romanticizing it. Not intentionally but the fact that discord still got his way in the end, and fluttershy and discord being portrayed as happy is basically saying “if you’re mean and toxic enough and take advantage of someone’s kindness and thats unable to say “no” most of the time, you’ll get your way eventually!”

I know the author didnt intentionally do this but Bride of Discord is romanticizing abusive and toxic relationships 
Again, no hate to DF, they didnt know any better, but dont say it wasn’t romanticizing it, cause this story did


gonna be honest, ive always liked fluttershy and discord as friends with a familial type of relationship, which would always turn me off from the romantic ship. but even if that wasnt the case, the red flags you pointed out in this story are way too glaring and loud to ever allow me to enjoy it. i think you were spot on to call out every bit you did. as a psych grad with experience from my internships, these are all signs of unhealthy relationships that can be found in real life examples as well, and considering the author allegedly was basing this around what was around them at the time that is... very concerning. but from the sound of it they have learned its not okay, so im glad theyre getting better and wish them the best. loved your analysis, youre one of my fav mlp youtubers ✨


I feel like it's odd how draconequis all look the same, their whole appearance would probably look different because of how they represent chaos