
It also turns Triangles into squares 😂


Semi Perfect Cell was Super Vegeta's bitch he wasnt nearly as strong as Vegeta or Trunks. They both woulda washed him


From what I remember king kai never taught them the techniques, he did train them a bit. But didn't teach them kaioken or spirit bomb.


Tien was powerful. He was also tough.


are these "switches" you have in mind in universe 7🤣 or let alone in the room with us


Hold on.... Didn't vegeta kick shit outta semi perfect cell to the point he had to temp vegeta by using his battle hunger against him?


Wow tien otherworld filler coulda been sick tri beam spam with no drawback


Even if he could draw power from nature and use tribeam he would still be severely limited being able to kill stage 2 cell at most due to perfect cell being able to destroy worlds while his best attack can only put a dent in the earth.long story short teins job is to be a minor annoyance.


It’s a big leap to assume Tien or any of the other Z-Fighters would be able to use Kaio-Ken or anything else taught to Goku. Yes, they may be able to master everything King Kai taught Goku, but would they have their body be able to withstand those abilities once returning to life? There’s GOT to be a reason why we never see anyone other than Goku use Kaio-Ken or the Spirit Bomb. Maybe King Kai taught him more techniques because Goku informed him that just like Vegeta & Nappa(specifically who Goku was training with King Kai to beat), he too is a Saiyan. Meaning King Kai taught Goku certain techniques that he could handle that others could not.


Wait, use nature power wouldn't be just like Moro's power?


But Tien was hated by the Toriyama, so yeah.