Joe Biden if he locked TF in
sound design is awesome!
I like the heavily stylised trailer; wish it bled more into the actual film. Still looks like a marvel film, but hey, maybe if they let the vfx team finish the job before it comes out and haven't f*cked with the plot as much as the last few with reshoots and last-minute edits then this might actually be a good film. God knows they need it, and much of the team involved (esp Mackie) deserve it
Hey Tom! Guess who has a solo movie and also a show now
2:22 "Red Hulk vs Falcon" The way he cut through that car was so cool omfg
2:26 the way the flames don't even move when the car is thrown, still not gonna let the VFX team have time I guess
Welp, gotta prep up for February. It's gonna be packed up
'Your not Steve Rodgers' ain't that the truth! I hope this isn't a flop but idk 🤷♀️ Red hulk looks fun though 😂
Of course he has a nano tech helmet
1:11 yo!!! I love it!
0:46 General solo
Look at all these totally real commenters! So Cool!
I gotta say, it looks good.
0:57 lm so sick an tired of every trailer Ross telling him he's not Steve Rodgers like bro already said your right I'm not LET IT GO
I can't wait to see Captain America Brave new World The Red Hulk vs Falcon is so awesome
February is coming ❤
Looks like they will need to recast Pres Ross/Red Hulk sooner than later....Fords health will not support more than this movie
Marvel : enough with aliens and galaxy now lets move on to terrorists.....