
You guys wanted me too attempt this. What should I do next? Playing guitar while playing another guitar with a guitar? I don't know. Don't forget to checkout Fender Play here: https://prf.hn/click/camref:1100l4cMG It's free the first 30- days. Be my Youtube hero and try it out.


Now you just need to play a guitar while playing a guitar that plays another guitar


The man who invented guitar had this song as his wet dream


play a guitar while playing piano


My 4 friends combined won’t be able to play 1 guitar😂


Me(watching first second): okay this is easy
Also me(after 20 seconds): bruh...wtf


This is black midi in a nutshell.


Matthias Krantz Your awesome at the guitar. Your basically an insparation to me.


You're so f*cking talented!! Keep going and never stop to play because I love you're videos


Both hemispheres of your brain have to have developed very strong connections in order to do that. Impressive


What a beautiful sound....


You might be the best guitar player in Youtube




Bro u are amazing😍
Lots of love from Nepal .


This sounds like Z-Machines. Awesome!


Please do a cover of can’t help falling in love!! It would be the best


His brain is controlled by another brain


Impressive. And don't think I have ever seen a video with 0 dislikes
