
I love London , My favorite opening. It took me from 1000 rated to 800 very fast.


We love a video that shows the London some love.  It's not always boring!


Hey Levy, I am a very long time viewer of your channel(like since COVID), mostly I don't comment. I am played and studies the london system, all the way when I was 1500 to even now 2250, and this is one of the openings that I consistently play with very good results. I knew this whole plan that you just showed beforehand, but the way you presented was really good, like even beginners would understand this video. Back in 2019 when I started with london, there were only a scattered few videos on London, with Eric Rosen's St.Louis lectures being the most prominent one. Nowadays, its really heartwarming to see that these kind of high level stuff are being explored and being put out for free on you tube.


Levy, please do more teaching vidoes like this


Big fan of the analysis of topical top level classical games. Especially explaining where there is a clear practical advantage despite a 0.0 eval.


I really liked the book Game Changer about Alphazero. They talked about this strategy of using the h pawn to create all these threats over the course of the game. Another interesting thing about Alphazero is that if you let it choose, it pretty much never plays e4 as white, because according to its calculations e4 e5 is pretty much always a draw with perfect play. So Alphazero loves d4, and you get stuff like the Queen's Gambit, Trompowsky, and London in a lot of its games, all just like Gotham described, very aggressive and not at all the "safe" or "boring" way to play.


Teacher Levy Is Back 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


hey gotham i have been playing chess for 2 years you are the person who taught and got me into chhess tysm


My video was paused at the beginning and I thought it was a bit where Gotham just decided to do a really long stare as the video starts


i have got the chessly free trial, by the end of it i got a 93% accuracy as a 700 ELO player playin the london. Thanks Levy.


Loved the coverage of this game, as a legacy London player myself. Not to mention I've learned a lot from your course on Chessly. I would love more videos like this for Caro, Vienna, Scotch and Grunfeld is you're looking to do more of these.


3:45 I have played atleast 200 games where I've just attacked like that without castling too, proud London ambassador lol


London to Vienna and back again. It's been a lovely journey.


19:50 i do like it


This video was super helpful. Thanks Levy! I really like the London and most queens pawn openings. Would love to see more of these!


Good video!! Nice to see the London in a fresh way, with some dynamic play.


This could be a great addition to your chess openings series. I would love to see videos about these unique spins on classic openings like vienna and catalan!


Gotham watches tushi🗣️✅


Love having an opening video again like the old days! More of these would be awesome


Been waiting for you or Eric Rosen to get their London system out! Thanks!