This is very cool. If there was ever a game that deserved the Atari 50 treatment, this would be it. The story is so fascinating.
Welcome back hatris
I'd like to argue and say that you can play Dr Mario for a longer period of time because with Tetris once it gets up to a certain level its madness.
Excellent! But no VCS?
Bring back Tetrisphere. The amazing alternative with an amazing soundtrack.
I love this!
Forever until we die?
Whats the exactly name of music track behind it? This version sounds good! Looking for it in YouTube-Misic and Spotify. Thank you!
Now this is big time Tetris so glad I got into this when I was a kid I would have missed out otherwise there's been other games compared to Tetris like Puyo Puyo. Tetris is the number one puzzle game
Pre-ordered my copy on the Switch. I just hope they decide, and are able to add more games in the future that they’re allowed the rights to. Tetris Classic 1992 by Spectrum Holobyte for the MS-DOS, and, I know it would be a legal nightmare, but Atari Tengen Tetris. Even if paid DLC, they would be worth it.
Planning to add any more titles as DLC down the line? There's quite a handful of Tetris games I'd like to see added, like Tetris Worlds and Tetris Party.
Needs a physical release! (downloads don't last forever 😜) Looks great!
back to fix awesomenauts
will you guys revive Tenth Degree game?
Physical copy for the Switch?
Does it have tetris cdi
Needs to be available on physical format.