He reminds me of kids that used to turn their eyelids inside out, like he realised that he could make a weird face and now it’s become his whole personality
“Don’t click off the video, okay?” Me after seeing the first two TikTok clips: *rubs bloodshot eyes* ...okay...okay, Danny...
Batman: rich af Spiderman: has spider stuff The Joker: gets scoliosis
me: expecting these guys to dress up as the joker them: pops a vessel
whenever they turn into the Joker they just look severely constipated
idk the faces look more like the grinch than the joker doesn’t make it any better tho
The way they freeze (when making the face) makes it look like they're malfunctioning animatronics 😭
damn this actually made me physically uncomfortable, so bizarre how anyone would unironically like those tiktoks
My theory is that the Joker face is like an infectious and fatal disease or virus, which cracks all of your bones and breaks them and anyone who has it, feels the urge to make that face. So if any person would see that face, they'd be like "Oh no, I don't want that disease and all my bones cracked." So they run away in order to avoid the disease.
“He may not be fast, but he is environmentally conscious.”
I have to give it to them, they have some balls not only to do that in public, but also uploading it on Internet for everyone to see. I could never.
See when Danny said “joker” I assumed like edgy joker makeup type stuff but instead I got a knock off pink guy
plot twist: the guy clenched so hard he actually broke his bones and that face was genuine
Mom: why don’t you hang out with the neighbor kids? The neighbor kids:
Yeah, this is just gurning. They've been holding gurning competitions (pulling your face into the silliest position possible) at village fairs in England for centuries.
obsessed with the fact that his "joker face" becomes increasingly half hearted over time
This is so much weirder than i was ready for...I thought they’d at least just be cosplayers...
Imagine going to the cinema to watch Joker and it's just two hours of these TikToks.
“Guys my bones are getting squishy!”