
We doubt these things today because we think we know everything, yet this universe is gonna keep surprising us an infinite number of times.


In 1956 I, as a 21-year-old woman, was temporarily living with my parents in Wyoming while awaiting orders to follow my military husband overseas.  We had attended a movie theater in town (the film was "High Society" with Bing Crosby) and while starting to drive home afterwards,14 miles away in an oil field, my mother asked my father, "When did they put a light at the top of the hill?"  He said no light had been installed, but the light remained and it moved above us as we drove.  My father stopped the car at one point and the bright light also stopped directly above.  (At this point, I was in the back seat mentally trying to communicate: "We're friends, we're friends!")  :D  When we started to move again, so did the light.  Upon arriving home, my mother yelled at one of my brothers (who was outside the house waiting for us), to run into the house and get the binoculars.  At that exact moment, I watched the light as it shot over the far mountains in a blink of an eye.  No one will ever convince me we're alone in this universe.


I was born in 1949 and always remind my friends that we lived in the best era of human history  We we're blissfully unaware of the ecological damage. We also avoided the drug issue and had ice cold beer, cigarettes and great, cheap cars that we street raced and rarely got caught. We had great medicine, I would be blind if it weren't for cataract surgery, crippled without a new hip and dead without a kidney replacement. Nothing like this was available prior to our era  with the drugs, lack of law enforcement and crooked politicians I see a rough road ahead. Thank God we lived when we did!


When you consider the age of the universe and then the amount of time humans have been developing technologically (no more than a few thousand years), it's conceivable that others may have been developing for millions of years.  Think of where we will be in a million years (should we survive).

I watched all these launches as a kid on a black and white console TV.  I was 16 y/o when we landed on the moon which brought tears to my eyes along with Walter Cronkite.  I was fascinated with anything regarding space.


NASAs space craft budget: Billions
NASAs video/picture camara budget: $15


The mind blower for me is "Is space infinite or does it have an end? And if it has an end what does that look like?" The more I think about it its hard to imagine space ending and also hard to imagine it never ending. We know that what we are aware of is massive and that there is far far more we aren't aware of. The idea that in all that space no other intelligent species exists is imo ridiculous.


Is it me or is something about this dude’s voice that’s totally relaxing (despite the content)?


In the navy I served on a carrier, one night jets launched and chased ufo's that made impossible moves, 90% turns, speeding away making jets using after burners look like they were standing still, I have always thought the "greys" were an artificial life form designed to handle the dangers of space travel.


Thank you John Glen and all the astronauts Your commitment to our nation make history, you all be remembered always with high regard for humanity!


These old documentaries are funny now in how strongly some of the academics deny any possibility of the existence of UFOS, as the USA military has finally admitted that their pilots have been routinely encountering various craft that have tremendously advanced technology, even filming their encounters and having released them to the public. Hearing the pilots interviewed and they are very sober and serious in consistently relating their experiences.


“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

― Arthur C. Clarke


Hey, I know astronaut Mr Winston Scott!! I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend a weekend with he and his lovely wife at a gallery opening in Charleston SC. I bought him a Ginger Ale to go along with his lunch before I even realized who he was. One of the most humble persons I’ve ever had the honor to met. He’s also a veteran ❤ #lifemoments


I wish they would just admit that aliens exist already so they can show us the good footage.


i dont understand why we are so focused on fighting each other when we can start exploring space as a group and possibly find new life or resources  to further our technology


For the last one…

When you suggest its a reflection, if you have no explanation as to what could be reflecting the light then you’re just trying to create a distraction.


Saw a group of several of them when I lived in Texas. I was with lots of other people and it was incredible! Everyone's reactions were so loud that the neighbors came out and watched it too just in awe


NASA is kinda like if you sent your kid to art school and paid for all his classes and gave him all his art supplies and then he never shows you his art


Why is it that we have cameras with resolutions high enough to  see a car license plate from space, but can take an ungrainy picture from 5-10 miles?


Finally scientists that accept the very real possibility that we are NOT alone in the universe!!!


Bravo... this is by far  the best ufo film I've seen. Very well done.