
Every year Jonny's all like "imma pick a joke song but it's a banger anyway lmaooooo" UGH this was fantastic


On another Pokémon-related note, another GaMetal remix,  PWT Final Round!, was nominated for Truegreen7's Annual Pokémon Awards (Music Cover of the Year), it'd be cool if you voted for it! Once you've finished learning to type of course. 🙂 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUWFHXLETE5PHjE3hbTAoiFc7EES4Bvoer469ZLSuizxmugw/viewform


I just noticed Bowser was typing that letter that he made to Mario from Hotel Mario! Lmao!


The puppet really brought this song to be even better than what it already was. This song goes hard


The little bowser plush typing 💀


This is my favourite type of April Fools Day content; where people do real content that's just a bit sillier than normal.
A lot better than fake video titles, jumpscares, and stupid stuff like that.

Like PTA has some amazing music and as expected this is an amazing cover. It's just a bit silly in a good way.


Songs that go extremely hard from places you'd least expect. My favorite sub-genre of game music. 

Happy April Fool's, dude.


It's always so funny when people learn about how genuinely good this song is. The CDI reference was also great


This cover goes so hard my keyboard turned into a steel type


This is NES Pictionary levels of “they did not need to go this hard for a game like this.”


“Koople” as opposed to Google, good one.


That SMBX level where you have to write cheat codes as quickly as possible to finish the level. Epic.




At first i thought the cover was exagerating the original song, but out of curiosity i went to listen to the original and HOLY, gamefreak did not need to go this HARD LMAO


If I ever have a kid I want to give them this game when teaching them about the computer and hear their unbridled excitement when they face down Groudon with the power of WORDS.


The keyboard and lead guitar combo is killer on this one


Been a fan of Pokémon for around 20 years i am dyslexic and realized today that it’s ho-oh and hot ho ho


Truly, the spirit of NES Pictionary lives on


The opening before the guitar kicks in was so hilarious. I can even see the Hotel Mario reference as Bowser puppet types a letter for Mario. Koople was a reference to Koopa and Google.

This cover makes me wanna type the keyboard so freaking fast and hard until my fingers hurt! It sounds so awesome and it's a banger! Happy April Fools Day, Jonny!


I’ve heard of Pokémon type matchups before, but this is ridiculous!