❤👏 Wow, thank you for this view into your private life. It's great to see your progress. Both of you. And you are so well self reflected. I think your Yoga background helps a lot. Java is a very nice horse. Perfect for a beginner and so smart 😍 When I watch you it reminds me of my riding past. I can absolutely understand your passion for it.
I am sure a happy horse can give you the greatest happiness. I also think it's great when horses are kept in open stables. The closer you are to nature, to the natural way of life of horses, the more it resonates with my heart.
I didn't know you were a horse rider <3 you two are lovely, I've been teaching horse riding for a while and I'm sure your progress will be amazing, waiting to see your journey with Java in future videos
Wow! As a huge fan of your yoga lessons I love to learn that you also love horses! I've actually told my riding customers to stretch their body with your yoga video before our trail riding. ❤ Your riding is so beautiful! Your perfect body control must also help Java a lot. 😊 Lots of love from Finland!
This is so nice to watch, horses really bring out the best in people. I can hear the love in your voice. It's fantastic that your coach found you such a good match for a first horse! I love that you show the little magic moments, like the trick training and him walking over to you in the paddock. I find those little things more satisfying than any ribbons.
Looks awesome! His ears over the jumps just shows his great interest in jumping! The height of the fence shouldn't matter whether its xrails or 1.30! It is so great you guys are just put there doing it! Isnt it such a privilege what these horses do for us?!
I been doing your yoga videos for 1.5 year and I love to see you also love horses and riding. We own multiple horses my daughter just got to Z2 dressage with one of our horses. She is now thinking about changing it up and starting jumping with one of our younger horses.
I've been doing your yoga videos for years (your sequencing is the best!) and it's really fun to see you getting into riding! I have been riding for about 10 years but just got my first horse, Sally, about 2 years ago. Fun to watch your horse journey and the admiration you have for how cute they are just doing their best!
That was fabulous! I have always wanted a horse never have had the pleasure. It was so nice of you to share your experience and your wonderful Java! I wish continued joy!
Thank you for this lovely video. I started doing yoga recently to improve my riding and how happy I am to find you. As an adult learner, I have been riding off and on for several years and still can not canter consistently. You are already cantering and jumping, how impressive. Best wishes and looking forward to see you ride.
Sounds like you found a perfect horse for you! It takes a lot of work to show on as many levels as you are! One of my clients shows dressage and has been doing it for years you never stop learning! Congratulations on your ribbons! Ride on Kassandra and Java!
Hi Kassandra. I love your horsey vlogs. I grew up riding- rode from age 6- through college and really miss it! I am 45 and maybe two years ago got back into it for a minute but my lease didn't last. So for now I love watching your videos. When he broke the cross ties that made me laugh and I knew your horse would roll when you let him out. Glad you are riding. It is an amazing sport! I haven't jumped since college and dont necessarily miss it. I use to have no fear when I was young but I have lost that. I just love being with a horse and grooming one and trail riding. Anyway- keep at it! and Great job!
Loved seeing this look into your personal life. Very cute to see your relationship with your horse. Learning a new skill is fun too. Best of luck on your learning journey.
Lovely vlog Kassandra. It's nice to see you with your animals and other parts of your life. Thank you ❤
This was so interesting. I know very little about dressage and all that goes with the training etc. I was fortunate as a kid (many years ago) to get to do some riding but that’s the extent of my experience. Horses are fantastic and such beautiful animals. ❤
He's gorgeous. Love the positive reinforcement and bond that you have.
Tale as old as time with the monsters in the judges booth, I remember my first dressage test my mare did the same thing with the trot down, squiggled the whole way it was like an weave pattern 😂 the judge even had me stop at the end for notes and mentioned it was a laugh for her. It’s a great memory for me to have with that horse ❤ so happy to see you and Java having so much fun
it is so lovely how sweet you are to Java!! glad you both found each other :)
Great video and I´m looking forward to more yoga for equestrians. Since I started riding, about 2 years ago, my legs, specially my calves are super tight and I struggle with some yoga poses, like down dog, that were never an issue before.