
As long as I can explore the area surrounding goodneighbor without crashing, Im happy


The worse thing with Fallout 4 is getting weapons from DLCs like the handmade rifle from Nuka World or the Lever action rifle from Far Harbor. But the ammo only drops in those regions not in the Commonwealth. So you can find legendaries with good bonus stat but since you cannot make the ammo or find it as loot, they are useless until you go to Far Harbor or Nuka World. Which is kind of endgame content not to be done during the main story.


Definitely need more mod space so we can get more unique mods.


Really hoping to see a plasma caster in Fallout 4. Beautiful weapon and was actually the original “Plasma Rifle” back in the first two fallout games.


Considering how much people like to share things these days, I'm curious to see how Bethesda will tackle settlement builds and HOW players can save their builds and SHARE it with their friends.

For now, CDante's Transfer Settlement Blueprint mod is the ONLY mod that I need to keep a proper record of what I have built over the course of my 4500+ hours of playthrough for this game.


A few other streamers have theorized that, like the cyberpunk anime boosting cyberpunk sales, the update will coincide with the TV series release to cause a surge of Fallout 4 sales.


I really hope "next gen" actually means game engine optimized for modern hardware. Creation is woefully inefficient with hardware and how scripts are handled, which is main reason for its poor framerate, and no small amount of glitches. There's only so much optimizations modders can do by combining objects, and adding roombounds and previses.


October 23rd could be a likely release date for both Fallout 4s next-gen update as well as the show. Its maybe a little early but the day the bombs dropped would be good marketing


I have finally decided to replay 4 in survival(no mods or dlc). I wish that I had played survival years ago. It feels like survival was the intended way to play. Everything I do now has high risk and even higher rewards.


Being 59 yrs young with an old PS4 there really isnt a lot for mods, etc. I guess Im going to have to buck up for the PS5, lol. Really stoked for the Fallout series. Thanx so much for sharing. Peace


Maybe now we can explore downtown without it crashing


been waiting so many months for this  and been holding off starting again till this update finally comes out


Stoked for bigger build limits in the settlements. I admit that most of my time in FO4 was spent building my settlements up.


I agree with you about release dates, in fact, Fallout London Mod has been officially pushed to end November/December 2023, following precisely the reasoning you did. great Video! Thanks mate.


Imagine having a finished Pipe Shotgun and Chinese Assault Rifle.


Honestly the only thing I'd really want from a New Vegas CC pack is some of the modern weapons. More specifically the All American. I NEED that rifle in my Fallout 4 experience.


Its just a shame they couldn't do the same for the VR version, but there is always hope there will be a mod that does the same thing. Looking forward to seeing it.


It will be interesting to see what they "Fix" as far as glitches it could windup making things worse. Glitches are very popular to use for various settlement building when you don't want to use mods.


Hope they fix the boston crashing
Especially downtown and commons


Enclave Officer and scientist outfits from Fallout 3 is what i'd really like to see, to go along with all the Enclave Power armor from Fallout 3 that's already in the CC store. Maybe an eyebot pet, none of those dogs interest me. I'm big sucker for Enclave.