


one of my favorite parts of nick's videos are the clean cuts between clips, like when he dashed on his sword from one clip to the next


4:13 This transition was insane Nick πŸ”₯πŸ”₯




It isn't official a season yet until Nick experiments some fun things on his viewers and give his Ehmazing opinion on it 😁


That transition at 4:53 was clean though πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯



Nick: I’m gonna do what I do best! (Pause) Sike!

(Cuts off to Nick doing what he said he wasn’t gonna do) πŸ˜‚ lol


Nothing makes me happier than nicks excitement from a new season ❀


Nick is always making my day so much better. Thank you Nick.😊❀


POV: u can't find a comment other than people liking nick's energy.


insanely clean transition at 4:26 πŸ‘Œ


The amount of pure joy from Nick Eh 30 is like getting a PS5 for ChristmasπŸ˜‚πŸ₯³πŸ˜


Nick never disappoints us when it comes to his energetic reactions!


Nick Eh 30 I feel like has the best reactions. He always seems to be happy and hyped! 
Honestly Nick Eh 30 is Ehamazing and this new Season!


This is the best season,everyone else love it,and I hop you love it too Nick.


Nick and Sancho playing together every new season is so iconic! Love your vids! πŸŽ‰β€


Nobody gonna talk about that smooth transition at 4:52


We gotta appreciate the clean transitions 4:12


I Always love when nick reacts to a new season 😊


8:41 Bro got access to the sypher vid early LOL