
otsuikey! really enjoy your platformer stream, thank you for the stream! :_heart:
1:03 "right on time" LMAO
2:36 start
5:00 Celeste start, 5:23 Chapter 1
6:48 the strawberries emote:_strawberry:
19:55 22:18 nice
21:15 39 Miku 
23:14 Chapter 2
32:54 Chapter 3 
39:55 ping pong
51:38 Chapter 4 
1:01:46 Blue Sugar 
1:08:54 Chapter 5 
1:11:16 Maze mention
1:18:10  huh
1:35:25 he's too strong
1:37:07 "haha" 
1:38:15 Chapter 6
1:44:26 new cutscene, VA :_tskr:
1:56:57 Chapter 7
2:11:00 SUS
2:11:31 huh
2:23:00 Summit B side, 2:30:34 :D 
2:31:20 :_ikegg:
2:32:30 Chapter 8: Core 
2:46:02 "did you miss me" LMAO 
2:46:33 nice
2:48:56 Chapter 9: Farewell
2:56:05 which fish he wanna see🐠
3:05:56 rrr
3:28:35 gaming moment
3:14:54 WHAT :O 
3:27:21 NICE 
3:54:10 the final long long part 
3:57:09 台パン AH 
4:02:20 NICEEEE
4:05:36 :_ikegg:
4:09:40 back to room
4:12:12 rrr
4:11:05 the best Ivy voice, 4:13:04 :_tskr:
4:14:19 Ive chan :_tskr::_haka:
4:17:07 "oh iPN..." :_heh:
4:17:26 beeg boi and supa thanking 
4:19:23 the HEHE moment:_laugh:
4:27:13 end bye, "be kind to yourself" :_heart:

Ikey noises (cute) 
└3:25:41, 3:26:09, 3:26:24, 3:39:55 
crack knuckles
└3:50, 2:30:45, 2:48:26, 3:32:43, 4:04:57
speaking in cursive o7 
└1:06:28, 1:16:54, 1:28:33, 1:41:43 



vod gang since i was out for dinner earlier !!! aaaa tysm for the stream ikey!!!! sadly i wasn't quite a quilldren yet when you first played this game (i believe i initially subscribed during your 1st deltarune playthrough), but i remember watching the celeste vods and being enamored by how sweet and cute you were hehehe. now we're back here, completely full circle!!! gosh time really flies. hope you can play more challenging platformers, i missed seein ya flex your skills!!!! :_heart::_heart::_heart:


Thanks for the stream!! I just watched your first Celeste vod again recently, and now you back here!:_heart:  I was a little lurker in chat when you first time played this game:_quill:Now i'm brave enough to type in chat! (and comments as well)
Watched you playing Celeste was sooo fun:_cheer:, thank u Ikey!! Otsu!


Otsuikey!!! Watching you play celeste is always make me feel at ease. It's like we're finally home...:_heart::_heart:


Otsu Ike and thank you for the fun stream today :_heart: Rest well :_comfy:


Otsuuu Ikey, thank you for the stream! :_heart::_heart::_heart:


Watching you played Celeste is one of the most satisfied things ever like how your brain and fingers work that fast :_excite: :_cookie:
1:03 Secret Opening
4:18:31 Can you guess how clean my mind is?
4:19:19 Do you have a dirty mind?:_laugh:


otsu! this is my first time watching you play this game. ive really enjoyed it and had so much fun, thank you so much, Ike! also, thank you to Chunyao for the gifted membership, i really appreciate it!:_quill:


Otsu Ikey:_heart::_heart:Thank you for the stream!! Rest well:_sleepy:


Vod gang here:_wave:
“what is thet supposed to mean an HA!”
Ya’boi angy lmao 1:04 :_heart:
Start 2:34




4:22:06 うっそぴょーん


OtsuIkey! Thank you for the wonderful and satisfying Celeste stream! It may have tilted you at times, but you did incredibly well! Rest well Ikey! 💙


Otsuuuu Ikey!!! Always thank you so much!

(personal timestamp)


nearly 4 & half hours of Celeste! great stream tonight Ike! have a goodnight!!


1:00:09 1:06:26 1:11:16 1:49:47


Thanks for the stream! I remember watching the VODs for your early Celeste streams, and now 2 years later we return to Celeste again! Then and now, it's been a great time watching you climb this mountain. 
Rest well, and otsuikey! :_heart::_strawberry:


thank you for the stream, ikey 💙




This man is crazily good at platform game what the hell


Otsuikey! Ivy voice:_tskr: