I've been on the recovery journey for just over 2 years now. Less setbacks, less intensity - there are times where I feel pretty rough, but it doesn't take long at all for me to feel better again.
Love this. I had a set back after 8 months and then again just recently. Each time I’m aware of it, I’m not in fear, I’m still living life and doing what I have to do with the symptoms.
Your videos are so helpful IV managed to get rid of my panic attacks thanks to you
There’s always triggers for me. Keep me in prayer 🙏🏽
Ive fallen back into the cycle after being off meds for more then 6 months and this time its worse then ever intensity n frequency of the symptoms is beyond my expectations this time. Even after all the knowledge and learning about this issue for 3-4 years my anxiety got triggered hard this time .i feel like im at step 1 its very hard to stay hopeful during this episode, but at the same time i now know what i was doing wrong while recovering which led to this spiral
Can double confirm - I am certain that once you got out of the cycle and have learned all the things that it takes to get out of it, you are no longer a person that can fall back in. Feeling anxious, yes, but anxiety will never take over your life again 🫡
Thank you ❤! Your videos always help! For me it was the time issue! 😅
I relate too all this . Dpdr in the morning little gap in evening then back at night . No matter what I do . Just clock work. I let my family down and I can't even show up for them let alone myself . I use to be the man of the family . Took care of everything. Idk what happened .
Yoooouuu areeee sooo on point ❤❤❤ thanks a million for every single video ❤️💕💕💕😊
I'm just trying to show up for life. I can't even do anything of the things I use too. I was so sharp . 2 years in school for physocligy. Grad A student. I'm trying I really am. Just being present is hard.
Spiritual awakening anxiety video please 😢
thanks shaan
This is me. I have been have a hard two weeks
You're a gem, Shaan.. God bless you ❤
With help of Shaans content, I have managed to get from 5 months of intense Panic Attacks, out of blue, 0 since almost 1 year. Also the comunity that gathered around helped. I would like to thank you! I do have a a question for Shaan and for the community. Do you think it’s possible to still have “scars” from those panic attacks and the period of time that I lived in feat and battling with all the sympthoms? For example, I still have thoughts like maybe I still have a health undiscovered issue, I still experience chest tightness heaviness, somethimes I wake up during night the night and have a mild sensation of numbness on the left side. Also I developed something that looks lime POTS, i.e when I stand up the heart rate increases to 110-130 then it would settle and fluctuate around 85-110. Ah, and headaches I almost forgot. I hope I can get some feedback from the community or from Shaan, thank you again!
I am having a relapse after 6 months. The problem is, I actually have health issues. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get through all this anxiety and possibly more back surgery and pulmonary hypertension! I’m soooo scared!
Hey shann I lost 18 kgs of weight in 2 months can you do a Vedic on diet
Another one! 👌🏼🌈
I have a question for those who might answer: I have been doing exposure because its what will make me recover instead of running away from the triggers, but my exposure to triggers are limited only on social media not elsewhere, like its based on "specific topics only" but i found that those topic are not coming and passing anymore very often on social media and I dont know how to attract them they pass very little often, but what happened is that once i expose myself (expected) with time i stopped getting triggered and i felt less anxious, but now when they are not passing often which is (less exposure) & (unexpected) my anxiety striked back, I feel like i need them to pass everyday to respond everyday so it would be enough, like in that case what should I do? I dont know how to attract them... I fear that it might not be enough for recovery....