At first, I wanted to specialize in music videos. And that's what I did for several years, but I ended up giving it up because it just didn’t pay the bills.😅
I was well-known in the area, and many artists contacted me because they loved my work. But it was always emerging artists and not big names produced by record labels. So, the budget was very limited since they had to cover everything out of their own pockets.
I don't know if it was a matter of bad luck or simply because I went about it the wrong way. Maybe I should have insisted more and contacted record labels directly... who knows.
In any case, it demotivated me a lot and now I make commercials... 🙂↕️
I make a much better living, but it doesn’t get me nearly as fired up as making music videos.
That being said, I have decided to give it a try again because I miss doing music videos so much.
I also love doing documentaries tho but like with music videos it also didn’t pay the bills 😅
Definitely gonna try a variety of things until I find what I like the most. I am leaning more towards writing scripts with acting like westerns but we’ll see