
Narcissists have no power over u if u have power over ur own life.


Narcissistic people don’t ever stay by themselves they have to feel the power


This has explained so so so much for me. This is the mirror image of what I experienced with my ex fiancé. I literally thought I was going crazy and even said I wanted to record the conversations so I could go back and see what was said. This has brought so much back to my memory throughout our relationship. I don’t know how to feel about this.


Yeah, definitely learned about this way too late :(


How can you tell if they genuinely like you and are expressing it healthily? Do we just have to wait until the 💩 hits the fan?


I have an idea for a video.
When I’m looking at my past relationship with someone with narcissistic traits one of the things that confuses me is this:
My ex did the narcissistic cycle. He was really kind and supportive, to become bullying and degrading when he was stressed, to start avoiding me, telling me he doesn’t want this relationship, saying hurtful things and similar during the abandonment phase but as soon as he went to far and I started feeling suicidal from the mental abuse he’d go back to being really nice again. So he was having all of those maladaptive patters to make me stay in the relationship (if only, to make me think that it was the best thing that happened to me). But then in the matter of a month he decided to end the relationship (and make it painful and difficult), blame everything on me and say he doesn’t think he did anything wrong, make me live through really nasty self blaming times etc. So how does happen? How does a narcissistic person go from doing maladaptive things to keep someone in a relationship to seeing the relationship as terrible (on one side) and better off breaking up than trying to fix things?


Thankyou Dr Fox!! 💜


Idk if it’s just me or not, but I actually question the person on the receiving end of the love-bombing just as much/if not more than the actual love-bomber?! Perhaps, I’m just different bc I find absolutely nothing attractive about love-bombing nor does it draw me in, make me like someone quicker/more, or etc. Matter of fact, it makes me immensely uneasy and causes me to end all communication quick AF! I find it just as weird as it is inappropriate for someone to be telling me how much they love me, care about me, tries to consume all my time and etc…in such short junctures. Hell, I cannot fathom as to how anyone can feel so deeply and close to another person when they don’t even know u😳?! If anything, it runs me smooth TF off really quickly bc I don’t like feeling awkward.


Everyone talks about love bombing but no one offers a way to diffuse it once it’s happening. I met an old classmate that I didn’t really know . From the time he came up behind me and surprised me, he was dry overwhelming. He was trying to flatter me with ridiculous statements because he doesn’t even know me.  He pressured me into giving him my number .I told him I prefer he didn’t text me a lot so what does he do, he texts me all day long . I tried to ge polite at first but then just went silent since he clearly is not respecting my boundaries. It would be more useful to give advice on dealing with these people and not just a dam criteria on the condition


I have looked for your video on memory loss and bpd. Could you possibly send link. Thank you


Hi Dr. Fox... if someone with BPD engages in love-bombing because of their deep rooted fear of abandonment (and thus, love-bomb to try to "show" their partner that life with them is good and they should stick around), is that different than love bombing as a person with NPD or NPD traits? Thanks for the videos as always.


What kind of things would they be saying that make you question who you are?


Damn. That’s me


Alot of people do it


Future faking comes into play too


My hasband narcissists 😢😢😢😢


Let's talk about these feeds. Please stop em😮


Why a fake background with fake car noises????