
Congrats!   I grew up in Toronto and left for the US about 20 years ago, and I must say that I still find that I am learning new things about Toronto by watching your channel because things change so fast.    Like, I didn't know how to ride the TTC now, but I learned it on your channel.  Thank you for the informative channel, it's not just for new immigrants, but for ex-immigrants as well!


Your content has depth, is well researched and has lots of value. A couple of your videos have been very influential to me at a personal level. 


Thanks everyone, and don't forget to leave your questions, if you want an AMA session in 2024!


you working so hard and good to see your channel is growing!


The algorithm suggested this channel. Subbed to both. Congrats on the milestone and receiving compensation for your content.


I'm most impress with your English, absolutely fluent and confident before camera. I can't do that! πŸ˜… I believe you're from M'sia or Indon (as you know Melayu).


Congratulations, πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
I've been watching your videos since a Long time !!!

We've come soo far !!! Keep going πŸ’ͺ✨️


I am 85 years old.  I have lived in Canada my whole life.  Where I live there are few immigrants.  I know all the political and social ramifications of our immigration system but I appreciate getting a personal view from someone right in the middle of the situation.   Canada does need immigrants but who they are and how many come in is worrying.   You and your husband are exactly the kind of people we need.  You have adapted so well.  Some don’t.  Maybe you could comment on the kind people who don’t adapt well to our country.


Congrats on the 20K+ milestone - upward and onward!
It sounds like you have several irons in the fire with your publishing and channel content. What would you say your approximate total side job income is adding all those gigs together?

Congrats again!


Congratulations! You are very inspiring!


Congrats. Great going. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Thank you for sharing that! Most YouTubers would be too scared to discuss something like this.


Congratulations On Your 20 K Subs I Am Watch From Montreal


Congratulations πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰my question is what is your mother language? If your mother language is not English, how could you get totally fluently speaking in English? πŸ˜„


I discovered your channel because I'm thinking of immigration to Canada despite all the Canadians doing the opposite. Haha. It has always been my dream to move to Vancouver as I have done my internship there for 4 months. Do you have an advantage when you already have proof of working. I worked at a design agency. I enjoy watching you so keep going!


Your channel is so informative and inspirational and helpful too! Congratulations on 20 k subscribers; so well-deserved πŸ‘Merry Christmas to you and your family πŸ™‚πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„


Congratulations, well deserved!


My AMA question is, what are some good albums we should listen to? πŸ™‚




Maybe make a video on McDonald's in Toronto as compared to Singapore? What are the differences?