He is trying tô impose control over me. But, i refuse tô surrender.
One thing that keeps me moving is that at age 65 I'm trying to stay alive and more or less well because I need to be for my already grown up children the mother that survived... In spite of everything and against all odds I survived neitherless... And I very much dream that my children will thrive in the end. It means I have to get myself thriving again, now even at age 65
If they can't control you! They will certainly be bent on your destruction 😕
Stay Calm and Don't React & Respond, or your acceptable to the Manipulation tactics used by Narcissists, turn heal and go enjoy your life without the weight of guilt over their behaviour, your free once you've discovered the tactics used so don't give in to them once you know how they operate.
I'm a thriver now! 😊
Thank you for helpìng us Rebecca
I once stayed neutral by accident!! When my covert narcissistic mother hit me with a passive-aggressive remark, it went right over my head. I had just gotten off work and was dog-tired. By the time it registered, the punch was gone. Our eyes met briefly, and I saw the shocked look on her face! Her snark didn’t land! All she got from me was a deadpan look. That was accidental gray rock; that goes to show it really works.
So Ready!
Very informative respected Madam!
Excellent. Thank you.
Grey rock. Enough said...
Thank you, after 2 years of no contact, I needed to hear this message!!!!💕
I always enjoy your experience. Very good and meaningful ❤❤
Yes, I have stayed neutral (which I somehow figured out on my own) and now that I have connected with your materials ... I am doing so more. The latest response was a long email with lots of jabs and attacks. I merely stayed focused on the (trust-related) legal matter with consistency on my proposal. No response yet. We'll see.
Thank you 😊
So ready !:eyes-pink-heart-shape:
Yes.... Rebecca Works Wonder's in helping Survivors of narcissistic behaviour & Avoiding it at all Costs.
So ready. So difficult