
Merle was a gracious band leader!


Song written by Bob Wills in 1939 and recorded as an instrumental by Bob & The Texas Playboys. It became his signature song In. 1940 a couple of The Playboys wrote lyrics and they re-recorded it with Bob's long time vocalist  Tommy Duncan under the title "New San Antonio Rose". It was one of Patsy Cline's biggest hits.


Merle Haggard was a great entertainer!


That song must have been on every jukebox in the late 40's and after......I was in CA in the early 50's.....ate breakfast in many a cafe with that song....


I want this version on Spotify so bad it’s sooooo good!!!!


Tja Merle Haggard war einer der ganz großen, in der Country Szene ‼️‼️‼️


Awesome ,. When The Cowboy Sings 🙏


Sounds so great!   Merle looked great too!  Loved this man!   Janelle in Houston


So love this song.  I was born and raised in San Antonio and still remember every word of it.


Bob Wills was in Roy, New Mexico in a hotel the night he cobbled this song together from some stuff his band had been playing. Lyrics came later.  It's always fun to see Freddy Powers singing harmony with Merle.


Beautiful beautiful! Great great sounds!! The awesome Merle Haggard adding to the beauty of this great song!


Great song. Thanks for sharing this video.


Thank you....


When country music was REALLY country music


That was awesome 👌 I didn't even know Merle used to play the fiddle...wow!


Great version, the performance is incredible, just like a 'record'.


I Love This Song


Love you, Merle Haggard


Just Great all good ....


That was dope