Nice haul ya'll. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nice unit. Great ebay sales!
Please show us your bowling ball flower bed!!!!❤
Chi ching is my favorite kind of noise, Congrats on your awesome ebay sales, that's awesome 🎉
That looks like a great unit, for what it cost you, and it almost time to put out the Christmas stuff!!!😊😊
If I kept watching I would see that. You guys are sweet people. I love you guys
Great going again! Have a great day and stay safe.
It seems you bought another very good unit.
books with rough page edges is called Deckle Edges. Some could be from the 19th century up to modern era.
❤❤❤❤❤hi averys😊
Thanks for sharing guy's 🤗🥰👍🙏
Guys if I’m out Avery’s all in 😂😂
Lol ill give u $5 for the m& m guy❤❤😅
Any chance of a picture of the bowling ball garden, sounds interesting
I know some bowling balls do very good on ebay and some people love to decorate with bowling balls
Dentures would be personal to me. Someone is going without their teeth 😮
Can u please do a running tally on screen of potential profit value of items please also would love to see boxes more thoroughly when u do back at your place
I think they were afraid of the furniture and the Christmas stuff😊