Great track to sing Can’t you see by Marshall Tucker🙏🏼💜🇨🇦
I was playing lead to this track and my wife said from the other room—I never heard that Alman Brothers Band song before — great easy tun to enjoy playing for hours. Thanks! 🤙🤙
I have to say I’m an intermediate player and I’ve never tried to learn the modes as they seemed a little complicated and advanced for me but as I was playing through this track I was trying to use the D Major Pentatonic with D major notes added in but I noticed instead of the C# on the high E string 9th fret the chords were “forcing” me to the C on the 8th fret. I started thinking about it and realized it was a flat 7, looking it up on my scale app I realized holy crap this is the Mixolydian scale, this backing track literally taught me the Mixolydian mode! At this point I hadn’t looked at the description notes for the track, after i realized it was mixolydian I did look at the notes and it confirmed it. I was so stoked to realize that and learn it! I can’t Thank you enough. I’m now a huge fan of your tracks and love em! Going to tackle Dorian next!! Again Thank You !!🙏🏻
Beautiful progression and I enjoyed practicing over it. I can hear that Marshall Tucker vibe.
this is track is fantastic, like Can't you see - the marshall tucker band
Had loads of fun soloing over this track thanks so much!
WOW ! I"ve so much fun with this simple Chord progression ! Thanks !
Thumbs up great track thanks for the upload. Got that Marshal Tucker Can't you see vibe going on love it!
Nagyon sok dal akkord menete ez a sor és ezek változó sorrendje. Én szeretem ezeket az Akkordokat. Lágy és kemény hangzással is! 👍🏻👍🏻✌️
Certainly, my favorite of the ones I've played over, great track!
I have a duo with a buddy and "Can't You See" is one of our songs. I've been working on a solo for it and I came across this. It's the perfect track for me too practice to. Thank you.
Nice back inn truck. Gotta lurve any dee-see-gee thingie at 82,68 bpm once in a while!
Just discovered this amazing track! thank you! I've been trying to learn the fretboard solo schtick with a steady Am backing track for several months. This is such a breath of fresh air! Wow, my new favorite as I try to get my fingers moving quicker as a 63 year old relative internet lesson newbie. Cheers from Ocean Park, Surrey, BC, Canada!
A lot of bands have had a lot of hits with DCG, it's just so good.
This is awesome! I haven't had this much fun with a backing track!!!
This is phenomenal! I subscribe to Rusty. And now you too. Thank you so much! 😊
Hey guys, check out this awesome lesson from Rusty --> <-- He explains HOW TO play blues rock LEAD GUITAR over this Backing Track! Have fun! ✌🎸🎶👍