
❓Which one of these functions is your favorite?
Learn more Excel functions in my course: https://bit.ly/functions24course


thank u for sharing

...and ... favorite function will be all the time, that function u will needed/use mostly - not necessary the best and productive or complex one


Another great refresher with clear examples.


I've been using Excel for almost 30 years, and am a very advanced user, but I always learn something new with your videos.  You do great job of explaining things, and I like the way you explain why the new functions are more efficient and how they can be used.


VSTACK and LET are new to me. Thanks.



Adding some notes and time stamps for future reference. My favorite is Let as it allows you to future proof the editing of your own formulas and allows you to read and understand quickly what is happening by declaring sub formula parts that are reused.

1:21 Unique Function: Removes duplicates effortlessly.
2:31 Sort Function: Organizes data quickly and easily.
4:05 Text Join: Combines text with delimiters, ignoring blanks.
6:25 Filter Function: Filters data based on specified criteria.
7:37 Vstack Function: Consolidates data from multiple tables.
9:18 Xlookup: An improved version of Vlookup for easy data retrieval.
10:34 Sequence: Creates a sequence of numbers. EOMonth trick.
12:35 Text Split: Splits text by delimiter.
13:27 IFS: like if for multiple criteria without the need to use multiple if.
15:49 Let Function: Simplifies complex formulas by declaring variables.


Great video with very interesting formulas I never use! Thanks for sharing these tips 🙂


#9 is my personal favorite. Thanks Mynda!


Hello. I've stumbled upon your channel by accident and I'm VERY happy that I did. Thank you for covering incredibly complex and relevant content. So many useful recommendations!!


I just subscribed and besides the amazing way to teach that I love and with much respect what a beautiful teacher , I will definitely check out more of your videos


Very useful, thanks Mynda.


Wow, great video Mynda. I know all formulas from earlier video's you've shared but I tend to use the old ways and work around them. Much more time consuming, I know. My challenge next month wil be to use at least 5 of these. My personal fav is [LET]!


Hi Mynda! For some reason I consider Unique, Sort and Filter the top three of the new array functions. They're friendly, handy and perform magically.


Hi. You won my like. The only issue I had, am unable to like it more than hitting the like! This is a very useful video! Thank you very much!


Haven't used vstack and Let that much yet, but just practiced them a bit more now...will use more.  Thank you, excellent video 🙏🏽


Thank you for this video , very handy tips , the video shows the results but also the function in another cell , is this a camera trick or is it possible to show both for reference


Wonderful presentation and clearly communicated.  So glad that I came upon your channel.  Thank you for sharing your expertise🙂


Great tutorial! You've highlighted some very useful Excel functions that many of us have seen but never understood their purpose. Your teaching style is fantastic! 🙂


My top pick is LET function

I never heard about that, it's a great addition to simplify complex formulas...


Thanks again for clear descriptions. I suggest another function that is extremely useful for setting up different canned reports from a single master database even if it is a simple worksheet - the INDIRECT function. Maybe Mynda would like to do a video on that topic.